Thesis Title Student Section Supervisor Defined date of defense
Section Supervisor
study of origin and history of Iran Black sheep breedseyyed morteza mortazaviM.Sc.Aslaminejad2010-06-13
Identification of nanostructured and nonoporous bentonite adsorbents and their efficiency on Aflatoxin B1 detoxification in vitro and in vivo.mohsen mojtahediP.H.D.Danesh Mesgaran2010-10-31
To evaluate the distilled wheat grain in Holstein lactating dairy cowsSAEID GOHARYM.Sc.Danesh Mesgaran2010-11-22
Study of CTCF gene expression in different stages of bovine oocyte maturityMahmood Amiri rodbarM.Sc.Aslaminejad2011-02-06
To determine protein degradation parameters of various feedstuffs using in situ and in vitro techniquesjavad falahati zoveM.Sc.Danesh Mesgaran2011-03-06
: Prediction of fungal phytase gene structure with optimal level of protein expression using computer based data processingmaryam gholizadeM.Sc.Nassiri2011-03-06
Genomic and classic evaluation on the genetic response in threshold traits,a simulation studyReza BehmaramP.H.D.Aslaminejad2011-05-29
Genetic evaluation of productive traits in Khorasan Razavi province crossbred cowsmohammad khorasaniM.Sc.Aslaminejad2011-05-29
Biological effects of Hypericum perforatum extracts on blood metabolits and immune system in rattahereh aghiliM.Sc.ARSHAMI2011-05-29
The effects of different levels of Sage extracts on blood metabolites and immune system in male ratssoudabeh arabiM.Sc.ARSHAMI2011-05-29
The effects of petal extracts of saffron, on immune system and blood parameters in ratatefeh babaeiM.Sc.ARSHAMI2011-05-29
The effect of Ferula assa-foetida oleo-gum-resin extract on reproduction performance and blood parameters in male rats.Ali Reza AyyoubiM.Sc.ARSHAMI2011-05-29
Effects of water, ethanolic-water and ethanol extracts of Coriandrum sativum L. on blood metabolites and immune system in ratmahboobeh mansouri motlaghM.Sc.ARSHAMI2011-05-29
Quantification of Il-2 and Il-12b genes expressions in response to foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) type O vaccine in guinea pigsebrahim honarbakhshM.Sc.Aslaminejad2011-09-14
Effects of petals Saffron extract on reproduction activity and blood parameters on male ratsnoushin arefzadehM.Sc.ARSHAMI2011-05-29
Genetic study of staiability traits in different ages and association with reproductive traits in Karakul and Baluchi sheep breedsfateme bahri binabajP.H.D.Tahmoorespur2011-10-23
Interactive effect of free and esterified fatty acids on growth performance, nutrients digestibility and intestinal morphology of Ross broiler chickensazam zeinaliP.H.D.Kermanshahi2011-10-16
Effects of different levels of ginger (Zingiber officinae( extract on reproduction performance and blood parameters in male ratsmohsen abolfazliM.Sc.ARSHAMI2011-05-29
Effect of physically and chemically processing of linseed and rumen oxidation-reduction potential on in vitro digestion dynamics and in vivo immune responses in sheepJavad AminiP.H.D.Danesh Mesgaran2012-03-06
Protection of PUFAs from ruminal biohydrogenation by enzyme inhibitors In vitro and In vivo and its effects on performance, immunity and adipose tissue metabolism of pre- and post parturient dairy cattleMohammad Mahdi SargolzehiP.H.D.Naserian2012-03-07
chemical composition and profiles of lipid fraction in major varieties of Iranian dates and its potential in dairy livestock\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\Aidin RezaeeniaP.H.D.Naserian2012-07-01
The effect of maturity and cutting time of alfalfa hay on fermentation characteristics in vitro and performance early lactation dairy cowsfuad firuziM.Sc.Naserian2012-04-30
Title: Performance comparison of different imputation algorythms of missing values on datasets obtained from cDNA microarray experiments with different conditionsmaryam moshiriM.Sc.Aslaminejad2012-06-23
Effects of Pistachio skin tannin with and without polyethylene glycol and yeast Sakarvmaysyz Avryza on ruminal fermentation and nutrient digestibilityZakieh Mohammadi NejadM.Sc.Naserian2012-01-21
study of inbreeding effect on genetic parameters in Arman and Iran Black sheep breedsseyyed Ali HoseinifarM.Sc.Aslaminejad2012-09-23
Evaluation of Genetic parameters by Brody function in Baluchi sheepazam momenM.Sc.Aslaminejad2012-06-23
The effect of tannic acid and extract of pomegranate rind on carcass characteristics, meat quality, performance and rumen fermentation in Baluchi ram lambshadi ghorbanifarmadP.H.D.Naserian2013-01-30
comparison of growth curve in Kordian sheep and Baluchi sheep using nonlinear functions.mahla molayiM.Sc.Aslaminejad2013-03-09
Genetic analysis of longevity traits in Kourdi sheepRazieh SaghiM.Sc.Aslaminejad2013-03-09
The effect of dietary supplementation of Echinaceae Purple, Verbascum Thapsus and Thyme vulgaris essential oils on performance, immunological responses, blood parameters and their antioxidant activity in male broiler chickensFahimeh Alipour kheshtP.H.D.Hassanabadi2012-07-07
: the nutritive value of tomato farm residue by invitro technique and effect of it on the performance of lactating cowsReza KhodaverdiM.Sc.Naserian2013-06-02
The effect of source and concentration of selenium on performance, immune system and tissue selenium distribution of broiler chickensehsan aziziM.Sc.Hassanabadi2013-06-02
Effects of pistachio diet containing yeast and polyethylene Glaykl the parameters of rumen fermentation and nutrient digestibility and performance of goats Sannmohammad salariM.Sc.Naserian2014-07-06
The effect of periodically feeding of low protein diets on performance, immune system and apparent digestibility of nitrogen in broiler chickensesmaeal razzghiM.Sc.Hassanabadi2014-11-16
The effect of supplementation with different sources of manganese on the performance and egg quality of laying hensNafiseh BarzegarM.Sc.Zarghi2015-11-01
Genetic properties of traits related to milk composition in Holstein and Brown Swiss cows of Khorasan Razavi province using random regression modelmaryam raouf moghadamM.Sc.Zerehdaran2015-11-22
Effect of concentration and nature of protein in starter or milk replacer feeds on in vivo digestable responses and performance of Holstein calves.mohammad reza forouzanmehrP.H.D.Danesh Mesgaran2015-09-15
Wheat straw treatment with SO2 based on the traditional method for raisin production in grape farmsMobarake SHamsi NasrabadM.Sc.Valizadeh2016-01-24
Musca domestica larva production in different media and its effects on ruminal fermentation and performance of dairy goats and cattleaminollah vatandoustabjahanP.H.D.Valizadeh2016-01-26
: Physico-chemical characteristics of Iranian Lot desert water salt and its effects on ruminant performanceAmin Shafagh MotlaghP.H.D.Valizadeh2016-01-31
comparison of RNA-Seq data based on gene networks topology for complex traits in various mammalian species.amin shahabiP.H.D.Tahmoorespur2016-04-30
The effects of alkalization of water with different levels of TDS on performance and blood metabolites of neonatal calvesmorteza nouriM.Sc.Tahmasbi2016-07-11
Effect of inorganic and organic zinc in egg enrichment and performance of laying hensmozafar raeisiM.Sc.Majidzadeh Heravi2016-06-26
Effects of LinSoy® and linseed supplementation in commercial laying hens diet on yolk lipids profile and egg quality and quantity traitsmahdi ashhadiM.Sc.Hassanabadi2017-04-16
: Assessment of conditioning temperature effect on pellet quality, metabolisable energy, intestine morphology, microflora and performance of broiler chickens during growing and finishing periods.seyedeh vajiheh emampourP.H.D.Golian2017-06-06
Comparative effect of pure curcumin nanomicelle and nano chromium on metabolic syndrome of diabetes in the induced diabetic rat modelHamed Dadgar NahrkhalajiP.H.D.Kermanshahi2017-06-10
Estimation of inbreeding and genomic evaluation in some dairy cattle populations by using runs of hemeozygosity (ROH)behshad barzanooniP.H.D.Zerehdaran2017-09-23
Use of Probenecide and herbal extracts on antibiotic survival time in the body and expression of organic anion carriers in broiler chicken kidney nephronshesamoddin khani farimaniM.Sc.Majidzadeh Heravi2018-05-06
Effect of water restriction on growth performance, blood metabolites, carcass yield and composition in Baluchi lambsMOHAMMAD HASSAN EBRAHIMI SHOORABIM.Sc.Ebrahimi2018-05-13
Investigating and identifying LncRNA in susceptible and resistant to ascites in broiler-type Arian line based on RNA-Seq dataKasra AhmadianP.H.D.Nassiri2018-05-14
Effect of ruminal and post-ruminal microbial growth factors on growth and metabolic characteristics of Holstein calves and first lactation milk production.hassan kargarP.H.D.Danesh Mesgaran2018-09-11
Performance of penalized regression models in genomic selectionKourosh MohammadiP.H.D.Shariati2018-09-22
Comparison of the performance of two probiotic supplements in broiler chickens changed by E.coli k99Seyyed Mohammad Saadat AlaviM.Sc.Majidzadeh Heravi2018-09-19
Effect of Lysophospholipids and Multi-Enzymes on Fat Metabolizable Energy, Growth Performance, Jejunum histomorphometry and blood metabolites of broiler chickens fed Wheat-Soybean diets.Avisa Akhavan KhaleghiP.H.D.Golian2019-01-07
Study of Amino Acid Changes on Ribonuclease of Cattle Pancreas Ribonuclease with the Purpose of Reducing side effects under Molecular Dynamic Studiesmehrshad pour tajiM.Sc.Nassiri2018-09-12
The effects of feeding whole or ground corn and barley grains on performance of fatting male lambs.mahdi mohammadiM.Sc.Valizadeh2019-03-10
the influence of glutamine supplementation to the milk of Suckling calves and lambs on Production, tissue and immune responsesHossein Baluch GharaieP.H.D.Vakili2019-03-09
Evaluation of Impact rate of some buffers and alkaline compounds on fiber digestion In Vitro.mohammad sarkhoshM.Sc.Tahmasbi2019-03-10
Comparison of Different Carotenoids Extraction Methods from Alfalfa and Evaluation the effects of carotenoids pigmentation on yolk color characteristics and egg production and quality traitssoraya ayatollahiP.H.D.Kermanshahi2018-09-22
Engineering of Recombinant Bovine Seminal Ribonuclease Enzymeleila simaei soltaniP.H.D.Nassiri2019-05-05
Determination of the effect of some bufferes, alkaline and biological compounds in vitro and subclincal acidosis condition lactating Holstein dairy cowshadi kheirabadiP.H.D.Tahmasbi2019-06-08
Effects of manganese sources on performance, blood parameters, bone strength, hepatic and bone retention under inclusion and exclusion in broiler chickensReza SheykhianM.Sc.Kermanshahi2019-12-29
Effects of dietary Ferula Gummosa boiss. with sweetener on growth performance, ileum microflora, small intestine histomorphology and blood metabolites of broiler chickensmohammad heravikariziM.Sc.Hassanabadi2020-01-15
Performance of an oral microbial supplement of rumen origin on nutrient retention, growth improvement and intestinal morphology in broilers.seyede Fatemeh mousaviM.Sc.Majidzadeh Heravi2020-05-03
The effect of different levels of probiotics on ileal digestibility of carbohydrates and protein, immune system and growth performance of broiler chickenselahe rezaeiP.H.D.Majidzadeh Heravi2020-07-01
comparison of the replacement level of both mineral and organic source of zinc, copper, manganese and ferric in the broiler chicken diet and the evaluation of performance, histomorphometry of intestine, immune system, intestinal gene expression and bone parameters in the grower and finisher periods.Ali TayebipourP.H.D.Majidzadeh Heravi2020-11-02
Evaluation of nutrients density of diets in the morning/afternoon pattern and midnight feeding on performance, egg quality, nutrients retention and blood metabolites in aged laying hensMina ToroghianP.H.D.Zarghi2021-01-03
Effect of Lactococcus Lactis bacteria -producing bioactive peptides- on ruminal fermentation and microbiota, and metabolic responses in Holstein dairy cows fed diets containing ready digestible carbohydrateswedad yahfoufiP.H.D.Danesh Mesgaran2021-02-16
The effect of surfactants on steam-heat processing efficiency of barley and corn grains using near inferred waves in lactating Holstein dairy cowsfarzaneh mohammadiP.H.D.Danesh Mesgaran2020-10-19
Effect of beta hydroxy beta Methyl butyrate on growth performance, carcass qualities and blood metabolites of broiler chickensHoJjaT RaJaB ZaDEHM.Sc.Zarghi2021-02-07
The effect of thyme essential oil on growth performance, intestinal morphology, immune status and carcass traits in broiler chickensmozhgan hojatipourM.Sc.Hassanabadi2021-02-03
Estimation of genetic variation in residual variance considering macro environmental sensitivity and indirect genetic effects for productive and reproductive traits of domestic animals in Iranmaryam sadat shahamiriP.H.D.Zerehdaran2021-02-13
Evaluation of starch and non-starch polysaccharides on performance and blood metabolites of Holstein calvesSeyed Shahin Razavi OmraniM.Sc.Tahmasbi2021-05-30
Evaluation of molecular structure in processed barley grain - chemical, heat and irradiation- using FTIR and its effect on nutrients utilization in Holestein dairy cowsAmir HonarmandP.H.D.Vakili2021-06-20
In silico analysis of inflamed intestine transcriptome data for identification of anti-inflammatory activity of involved antimicrobial peptides genes and pathways in chicken Necrotic EnteritisMaryam MoshiriP.H.D.Tahmoorespur2021-09-14
The effect of whole milk concentration and enrichment by effervescent tablet on performance and health of neonatal Holstein dairy calvesAMIN DARZILEMRASKIP.H.D.Ebrahimi2021-10-26
Study on levels of lysine, methionine + cystine, and threonine on performance and qualitative traits of egg production immune and blood metabolites in laying Japanese quailMOHAMMAD AMIN OMARYP.H.D.Zarghi2021-11-06
Effects of different dietary levels of arginine and valine on productive performance, egg quality indices, immune response and blood metabolites in laying Japanese quailFatemeh MortazaviP.H.D.Hassanabadi2021-11-14
Evaluation of probiotics, zinc, copper and dietary protein levels on the performance of broilers challenged with Clostridium perfringensseyed amin kazemiP.H.D.Kermanshahi2022-01-02
The effect of tetracycline and carboxin thiram on microbial activity and diversity and relative abundance of phoD and phoC genes in a humic acid amended soilsakineh balandehP.H.D.Javadmanesh2022-01-12
Investigation of the potential natural peptides against the RBD domain of spike protein of omicron coronavirus-2 and hemagglutinin-esterases bovine coronavirus through molecular dynamics simulation studyMOHAMMED AL-BATTATP.H.D.Nassiri2022-03-13
Effects of probiotic sources on performance of laying hens with low and high production at 44-58 weeks of ageEhsan RamroodiP.H.D.Kermanshahi2022-09-18
Effect of dietary protein and digestible threonine level on performance and egg quality of laying hensMozhgan Nadimi NeghabM.Sc.Zarghi2022-10-23
Effect of dietary protein and digestible lysine on performance and egg quality of laying hensMehri ShahiM.Sc.Zarghi2022-10-23
Production of probiotic and oral recombinant proteins to increase the bodys immunity against the coronavirusZahra RashidianP.H.D.Javadmanesh2023-01-01
A comparative study of selection signature in Iranian native chicken with commercial broilers and layersFateme GhobakhlooP.H.D.Zerehdaran2023-02-25
Estimation of matrix value of phytase enzyme produced by a probiotic in broiler digestive systemGhalib Daabool Imran ImranP.H.D.Majidzadeh Heravi2023-02-07
Effect of dietary L-carnitine of transition diets contained different physically appearance of grains on productive and metabolic responses of Holstein CowsMOHAMMAD AMIN MEHRJERDIP.H.D.Danesh Mesgaran2023-03-04
Impact of Encapsulated Methionine and milk feeding strategy on performance of neonatal Holstein CalvesMasoud Hassanzadeh YazdniaM.Sc.Tahmasbi2023-06-11
Effect of OptoCid acidifier and dietary calcium levels on production performance, egg quality, immune and health of aged laying hensElham MahjoobM.Sc.Zarghi2023-06-25
The effect of feeding micronized corn grain on energy efficiency and performance of laying hensYousof HajizadehM.Sc.Ebrahimi2023-06-25
Fungal toxins and toxin binder in broiler chickensNeda SaghiM.Sc.Kermanshahi2023-05-14
Meta-Analysis of Genome Wide Association Studies -GWAS- for Growth, Carcass and Reproductive Traits in SheepAghil MohammadiP.H.D.Javadmanesh2023-07-12
Nutritional value elucidation of processed corn silage using transgenic Bacillus subtilis bacteria and Phenyllactic acidElnaz KamiP.H.D.Danesh Mesgaran2023-06-24
In vitro estimation of utilizable crude protein for horses in the five consecutive dehydrated alfalfa cutsSanaz AhmadiM.Sc.Ebrahimi2023-10-22
Dynamic role of probiotics and nature of dietary carbohydrates on ruminal digestion and microbial responses during individual acidosis challenge in Holstein cow.Mohammad ElahiP.H.D.Vakili2023-07-31
Bioinformatic and laboratory investigation of peptides inhibiting the kras signaling pathway in mammalsreihane behnam rassouliP.H.D.Nassiri2023-09-20
: The effect of reduced levels of DL-methionine and methionine hydroxyl analog on production performance and egg quality in aged laying hensElham PadganehM.Sc.Kermanshahi2023-11-19
Evaluation the nutritional value of camelina meal and its use in broilers feedingMohaddeseh EsnaashariP.H.D.Zarghi2023-11-11
Evaluation of the nutritional value of mealworm larvae (Tenebrio molitor) and its dietary inclusion effect on the growth performance of broiler chicksAsmar GharagoozlooP.H.D.Hassanabadi2023-11-11
Assessment the role of biochar in fermentation processes, performance and blood metabolites of Holstein calves using in vitro and in vivo techniquesWisam Al BaidhaniP.H.D.Tahmasbi2023-11-21
The application of Atmospheric cold plasma Technique in antibiotic contaminated milk and evaluation its nutritional effect in Holstein calvesMohsen MahroghiP.H.D.Vakili2023-11-26
Gene networks analysis in predicting novel loci in economic traits of cattleAhmed AldawoodiP.H.D.Tahmoorespur2023-12-05
Response of production and immuno state of dairy cow to protected choline and vitaminB during transition periodmahboobeh hoorP.H.D.Tahmasbi2024-02-19
The effect of different levels of chitosan on rumen fermentation in vitro and its effect on calf performanceSahar Sadat HosseiniP.H.D.Valizadeh2024-02-21
Identification and Isolation of Probiotic Bacteria for Using in Animal ModelMahdi GhafaeiM.Sc.Ebrahimi2024-03-03
A Meta-analysis for investigating the role of LncRNAs in bovine mastitis and its metabolic pathways by focusing on endogenous antimicrobial peptidesAmir Hossein KalaniP.H.D.Sekhavati2024-02-03
Effect of dietary inclusion of silkworm (Bombyx mori L.) pupae meal on the performance of Japanese quailAli SharifiM.Sc.Hassanabadi2024-04-21
The effect of different levels of camelina sativa seeds on production performance and carcass quality of Balochi fattening lambsSaba SeifizadeM.Sc.Valizadeh2024-01-14
Impact of Camelina seed and administratiom of Vitamin E- Se during transition period in ewesHossein TaherifarM.Sc.Tahmasbi2024-05-12
Fermentation and animal ambience reaction to different levels of lipids peroxidation in rationReza RahimianM.Sc.Naserian2024-05-12
Identification of intestinal microbiome changes of broiler chickens fed with Antimicrobial peptides -Systematic review-Mozhgan GhiyasiM.Sc.Tahmoorespur2024-03-17
Systematic review of the possibility of increasing the stability of cationic peptides in poultryZahra NorollahiM.Sc.Tahmoorespur2024-05-20
Bioinformatic and laboratory comparison of immune and antibacterial properties of milk lactoferrin of farm animals and humanAtefe PaknafsP.H.D.Javadmanesh2024-09-08
The effect of dietary digestible lysine levels on growth performance of Japanese quailsAhmad MollalifarkhaniM.Sc.Zarghi2024-09-08
The effect of dietary digestible Sulphur amino acids levels on growth performance of Japanese quailsSeyed Mahmood NikbakhtM.Sc.Zarghi2024-09-08
Effect of coating with saturated lipid on in vitro ruminal fermentation of micronized maize grainZohre ShamsiM.Sc.Ebrahimi2024-09-29
Feeding laying Japanese quails with different dietary recommendations and their effects on productive performance and egg quality traitsAli Mohtashami FardM.Sc.Hassanabadi2024-09-29
CLFR peptide engineering to increase stability against chymotrypsin enzyme in the digestive tract of poultry and checking its antibacterial activity by computer-based methodsAbbas FarokhiostadM.Sc.Tahmoorespur2024-03-10
A systematic reviwe Investigating effective factors in determining the optimal dose of antimicrobial peptides in food supplements to increase growth performance in monogastric animals.Narges Maleki ChegeniM.Sc.Tahmoorespur2024-09-29
Production of recombinant Avian IL-10 in Bacillus Subtilis and assessment of its in vitro immunoregulatory propertiesJawad AljorniP.H.D.Sekhavati2024-07-31
Nonlinear modeling of the effect of a buffer- alkaline on ruminal fermentation responses and the fate of nitrogen in Holstein dairy cows using machine learning and biological methodsZahra Asadollohi P.H.D.Danesh Mesgaran2024-09-22
Identification of the most possible cationic antimicrobial peptides mechanism of action on E.coli and Salmonella as two important pathogens in chicken industry -Systematic review-Alireza Abutalebzadeh SarabiM.Sc.Tahmoorespur2024-09-29
The effect of different dietary levels of metabolizable energy and crude protein on productive performance of laying Japanese quailsKosar ZeidabadiM.Sc.Hassanabadi2024-11-03
The effect of dietary supplementation of micro silicon dioxide on production performance, egg quality traits, jejunum histomorphology and bone attributes in commercial laying hensShima BaratiP.H.D.Hassanabadi2024-11-03
The effect of treatment of soybean meal using plant extracts rich in tannin or saponin on first order kinetics of nitrogen digestibility in Holstein dairy cowKeyvan KhatibiM.Sc.Danesh Mesgaran2024-10-13
Identification of genes and biological pathways effective of heat stress in Holstein dairy cows using blood tissue transcriptome and methylome dataMonire AhmadianP.H.D.Javadmanesh2024-10-27
Impact of incorporating rumen-protected capsaicin oleoresin into the diet of Holstein dairy cattle on production and metabolic parameters under synergy of rumen proton accumulation and persistent thermal stressAghil GhesmatiP.H.D.Vakili2024-10-21
Investigating the genetic structure and selective signatures in sports horses (such as speed and jumping) compared to non-sport horses (including native breeds and ponies)Fereshte GhadamgahiP.H.D.Zerehdaran2024-11-30
Transcriptome analysis of bovine mammary tissue as an animal model in tissue cultureKimia KazemiM.Sc.Javadmanesh2024-12-22
The effect of fennel essential oil nanoemulsion on production performance, egg quality traits, and blood parameters of laying hensSayyed Ahmad SahafP.H.D.Kermanshahi2024-12-03
Optimization of Black Soldier Fly -Hermetia illucens- Larvae Production by Using Various Substrates as an Animal Protein SourceAmir Hasan KalaliM.Sc.Valizadeh2024-12-22