Thesis Title Student Section Supervisor Defence Date
Section Supervisor
Monitoring Hydrologic System of Neishabour Watershed using Remote Sensing TechniquePhDGhahraman2007-09-05
Prediction of soil hydraulic properties under changing soil compactionsajjad zarrinfarPhDDavary2009-09-22
: Experimental study the effect of angle and length of leader flow plats on settling basin efficiency traphoda salariM.Sc.Esmaili2011-03-05
Calibration of Weather Radar Using Automatic Rain Gauges Data to Assess the Accuracy of Radar Rainfall EstimatesHamoon MakvandiM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2011-03-15
Tracing Sediment Sources In Gholjogh River, Using Rare Elementsali asghar ghadimiM.Sc.Khodashenas2011-05-22
investigation on the effect of occurance of winter warming on yield crop in Khorasan Razavinegar siabiM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2011-09-20
Drought Prediction with Outputs of GCMs Atmosphere and Statistical Downscaling (Case Study Nayshabour Basin)Nasrin SalehniaM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2011-09-21
Estimation of mean daily relative humidity model for 12 months in several climate zonsmahbobeh farzandiM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2011-09-21
برآورد نیاز آبی گیاهان غالب زراعی با توجه به اثرات پدیده تغییر اقلیم در دوره 2011 - 2030 (مطالعه موردی : گندم و چغندرقند در استان خراسان رضوی با استفاده از مدل LARS-WGSamaneh AshrafM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2011-09-22
The Investigation of Rainfall Patterns Changes according to Climate Change in the period 2011 to 2030 (Case study: the provinces of Khorasan Razavi and Kerman whit LARS-WG model)Farideh Sadat Hasheminasab KhabisiM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2011-09-22
Study of the effective hydraulic parameters on subsurface water diversion using an experimental modelreza rostamiM.Sc.Esmaili2011-12-30
Regionalization drought probability Using Regional frequency analysis methods , Case study: khorasan Rasavi provincefateme talebi hoseinabadM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2012-01-29
Agroclimatic constraints for rainfed agriculture in Khorasan Razavinushin khaleghiM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2012-01-29
The modeling of soil temperature in different soils of Khorasan Razavi ProvinceAtbin MahabbatiM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2012-01-29
Experimental Study on the effect of waste water in flocculation suspended cohesive sediments in water conveyance channelsmilad khastar borujeniM.Sc.Esmaili2012-01-30
study of the effective physical parameters on subsurface water diversion using a experimental modelRamin MansouriM.Sc.Esmaili2012-01-30
Regional frequency analysis and spatio-temporal pattern Characterization of precipitation extremes using l-moments, Case study: Khorasan Razavi Provincemehri shahediM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2012-02-12
Experimental Studies on Increasing trapped Efficiency of Vortex Settling Basing by Using of submerge Vanemoein assefiM.Sc.Esmaili2012-02-14
Climate change assessment by statistical downscaling of GCM model in several climate of Iranparvin berangiM.Sc.Alizadeh2012-02-25
the effect of climatological parameters on yield wheat in years with extremum ratemahdi mohamadpuorM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2012-04-21
Project Title Considering the effect of increasing of the labyrinth`s number and deformation on the side weir discharge coefficient (Cd) and determining discharge coefficient.Hamed Zahedi khamenehM.Sc.Khodashenas2012-04-22
consideration of scouring the bridgemohsen ghanavatiM.Sc.Khodashenas2012-04-24
Global and critical study of scouring in downstream of the hydraulic structuressamira alilouM.Sc.Khodashenas2012-05-19
Simulating water infiltration in the soil with HYDRUS-1D _ A case of study in Jovain plainma mtM.Sc.Ghahraman2012-06-05
seepage relation with wetted perimeter in trapezoidal channelsbehzad shiri secorcanM.Sc.Esmaili2012-06-09
Evaluation of salinity and sodicity effects of irrigation water on unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivitysahar khazaeiM.Sc.Ansari2012-06-23
Simulation and downscaling of extreme weather events by Statistical Downscaling Model (A Case Study: Kashaf Rood Watershed)Mansoureh KouhiM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2012-06-25
decrease of permeability caused by sedimentation in water spreading projects(Flood case study projects Jajarm city)Sayed Hossein RajaieM.Sc.Esmaili2012-09-04
Simulation of two dimension water movement under drip irrigation systemmarziye khoramiM.Sc.Alizadeh2012-09-09
The Temporal-Spatial precipitation estimation and assessment to evaluate wheat rain-fed productivity : PERSIANN model and fuzzy logic (Case study: A part of northeast of IRAN)Sadegh GhazanfariPhDAlizadeh2012-09-17
study on wheat canopy microclimate in different water regime conditions and evaluation of crop water stress indexmahmoodreza farzaneM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2012-09-17
Areal precipitation and temprature estimating by Genetic algorithm ,Fuzzy theory ,Kriging and compare with several methods.nafiseh seyyednejadM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2012-09-19
investigation of flooding event by using charactristics of geomorphologic/hydrogeomorphologicz mollaeiM.Sc.Davary2012-09-20
Study of Irrigation Supply Impacts on Water Resources of Neyshabour Planesomayyeh kermanshahiM.Sc.Davary2012-09-20
Title: Study on the trend of effective rainfall variations on agro-climatic Regions of Iran for rainfed Wheatmaedeh nasiriM.Sc.Alizadeh2012-09-20
The study of Drought intensity and duration in Khorasan Razavi Province over two next decadefatemeh moafi madaniM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2012-09-20
Conceptual Modeling of Water Balance in River Basin ScaleMilad Ghallehban TekmedashM.Sc.Davary2012-09-21
Study of irrigation and fertilization regimes effects on nitrogen leaching amounts from root zone (Case study: Lolium perenne)Mohsen Mohammad AbadiM.Sc.Ansari2012-09-21
Determination of soil Hydraulic Conductivity and Diffusivity with out flow method by Pressure Platesfateme sadeghzadeM.Sc.Ghahraman2012-10-11
Modeling the Efficient Factors on Rill Erosions Applying Fuzzy Logic in Ahmadabad Region, Mashhadseyyedeh motahareh hosseiniM.Sc.Mosaedi2012-12-30
Scaling of Richards’ Equation to Gain Generalized Solutions for Dissimilar SoilsSeyyed Morteza SadeghiPhDGhahraman2013-01-06
Hydraulic Study over Reservoir Sediment Flushing Structures with respect to Hydrodynamic Modeling (Feasible Reservoir)Mohammad Reza KeshavarzM.Sc.Khodashenas2013-01-07
SCS-CN model is used in a large watersheds and provide corrective coefficients (Case study: part of the watershed Maharlu - Bakhtegan)narges khaton dolat abadiM.Sc.Faridhosseini2013-01-16
Evaluating effects of drought stress on qualitative and quantitative characteristics of Clovers species in landscape with groundcovers potential useelham samieianiM.Sc.Ansari2013-01-19
Effect of humic acid and irrigation regimes on yield of Mihan variety of wheatmaryam afshin maneshM.Sc.Ansari2013-01-19
Field Evaluation of Surface Irrigation Models Performance with Saline Water (Case Study: Furrow Irrigation)Maryam Fathi torshiziM.Sc.Ansari2013-01-23
Groundwater recharge estimation using various methods and making comparison results with each other, case study:Neyshabur PlainTayebeh AhmadiM.Sc.Ziaei2013-01-30
Numerical modeling of flow pattern on a labyrinth weir and determining its discharge coefficientali baihaghi kondoriM.Sc.Ziaei2013-01-30
Simultaneous numerical modeling of surface and subsurface flow in furrow irrigation for surface irrigation managementelham beykzadehM.Sc.Ziaei2013-01-30
Evaluation of water table fluctuations and drainage discharge of bi-level drainage system in a layered soilseyyed mohammad ali maddah zade yazdiM.Sc.Ghahraman2013-01-31
Identifying Potential Sites for Rainwater Harvesting (Case study: Doabi kalat Catchment)zohreh abshenasanM.Sc.Alizadeh2013-02-07
maximum and minimum monthly temperature modeling of mashhad plain using time series and temperature variations effect study on agricultural water usebahareh shabaniM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2013-02-26
Using Fractal Interpolation functions for time series downsclingnahid validiM.Sc.Ziaei2013-03-16
Simulation of emitter clogging by using FLUENT softwarezahra mehrvarM.Sc.Ansari2013-03-16
Evaluation of “Experimental Methods in Estimation of Large-Scale Actual Annual Eevapotranspiration” using “Estimated Evapotranspiration from SWAT Model” for Neyshabur Areazahra hamidi kariznoeeM.Sc.Davary2013-05-01
aggregate water resource management of Mashhad Plain(Chanaran) using WEAP modelsomayeh aghaeiM.Sc.Faridhosseini2013-06-30
Comparison of EPM and CSY Models in Estimating the Erosion of Watersheds- (Case study: SHIRIN-DARREH basin)Farid Faridani BardaskanM.Sc.Alizadeh2013-07-01
The Comparison & Assessment of Genetic and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms for Optimization of Water Distribution Network ( Case Study: Jangal City Water Distribution Network)Alireza MoghaddamM.Sc.Alizadeh2013-07-02
Evaluation of “Experimental Methods in Estimation of Large-Scale Actual Annual Evapotranspiration” using “Estimated Evapotranspiration from SEBAL” for Neyshabor Plainmahdi yavariM.Sc.Davary2013-07-20
An investigation on the relationship between range plant production and drought situation in some climatic regions (Iran)samaneh mohammadi moghaddM.Sc.Mosaedi2013-07-23
Using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to assess and identify the agricultural units in point of view of water productivity (Case study: Astan e Quds Razavi farm)saeid zarif garmrood dadkhahM.Sc.Davary2013-08-07
Estimation of groundwater recharge from irrigated fields using zero flux method.mohsen zakiM.Sc.Ansari2013-09-04
The Optimization of Multi reservoir Water Resources System Operations Using Multi-objective PSO Algorithm (Case study: Ostoor & Pirtaghi reservoir in Ghezel Ozan Watershed)ALI HOJJATIM.Sc.Faridhosseini2013-09-07
The simulation of surface balance with WetSpa modeling (case study of Bara’rie basin)Hosein RahmatiM.Sc.Ansari2013-09-08
Assess the impact of changes in supply and demand on water resources management, modeling vensim using river basin Atraczohre kumasizadeM.Sc.Faridhosseini2013-09-10
Ground measurement for the validation of land surface temperature derived from MODIS over different land coversMORTEZA KAFFASHM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2013-09-11
Efficiency and accuracy in the estimation of daily monthly and quarterly rainfall data from TRMM-3B42 V6, in Khorasan razavimostafa akbari yenge ghaleM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2013-09-11
estimation of the main aspects of stable alluvial channel by multivariable modelsNeda YousefiM.Sc.Khodashenas2013-09-14
Estimation of water deficit index & soil moisture content by use of remote sensing (case study; Mashad plain)Fashaee MohammadM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2013-09-14
Studying vulnerability of maize varieties’ growth and phenology in Khorasan Razavi under various scenarios of climate modelsmozhgan zeighamiM.Sc.Alizadeh2013-09-14
the distributed water balance models for basinsayyed sadjad razavi kahnamooyiM.Sc.Davary2013-09-16
A linear relationship for the plant reference evapotranspiration using daily data and two different methods, Gamma test and principal component analysisno shM.Sc.Ghahraman2013-09-16
Assessment of the AquaCrop model for Full and Deficit Irrigated soybeanMahmoud Hemmati RadM.Sc.Ghahraman2013-09-18
water-energy productivity in various irrigation systems at corn plants case study:The Jovein Agricultural & Industrial CompanyHASSAN ALIABADIM.Sc.Alizadeh2013-09-18
Simulating The response genotypes rice to irrigition and stopping irrigation after flowering with use ORYZA 2000 model.ABOUZAR HOSEINZADEHM.Sc.Ghahraman2013-09-18
Spatial Analysis of air temperature using MODIS land surface temperature data over North East of IranNasime Janatian GhadikolaeiM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2013-09-21
Numerical modeling of subsurface flow in furrow irrigation to improve the surface irrigation managementfatemeh Ghayour saraydarM.Sc.Ziaei2013-09-24
Determination of water economic value in agricultural sector in order to promote optimization of factors effect on agricultural production regarding to water economic value .Case study: agricultural production in eastern Mazandaransahar mohammadazariM.Sc.Ansari2013-10-07
Experimental study of the effect of bank attached trapezoid shape vane on bed topography in a 90º mild bendMohsen Keramat zadeM.Sc.Esmaili2013-11-02
Investigation of drought monitoring using TRMM satellite data in Khorasan Razavi provinceHadi Ghafourian Ghods KameliM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2013-11-30
Evaluating of irrigation management strategies in Maize crop water productivity using CERES-Maize and Aquacrop models.Zeinab YousefiM.Sc.Ansari2013-12-11
experimental study bedload movement in arid and semi arid zone riversAshkan AlebouyehM.Sc.Esmaili2013-12-22
Evaluation of fertigation effect under drip irrigation systems (surface and subsurface) on root development, yield and corn evapotranspirationsamad esfandyariPhDAlizadeh2013-12-28
The quantifying of groundwater model of Quchan plain using GMS software model.yahya mazadehM.Sc.Faridhosseini2014-01-04
Evaluating Water Uptake Reduction Functions under Salinity and Water Stress Conditions in Turf Grasssodabe seifiM.Sc.Alizadeh2014-01-11
Evaluating the effectiveness of the emitter discharge and space on performance of lawn subsurface drip irrigation systemsfatemeh esmaili najafabadiM.Sc.Ansari2014-01-22
Effect of geological characteristics on water quality for regional analysis of extreme events.tayebeh taherpourM.Sc.Ghahraman2014-01-27
Optimization of Concrete Slab at Stilling Basins Based on Hydrodynamic Pressures (Case Study: Siah Bisheh Dam)Fatemeh KazemiM.Sc.Khodashenas2014-01-29
study of hydraulic characteristics and discharge control of sluice gates with cylindrical edgesmohammad nourollahiM.Sc.Ziaei2014-01-29
Review and assessment of sediment in rivers by using Hec- Ras model Case Study on chalous river)Meisam Faraji TabarM.Sc.Esmaili2014-01-29
Modeling evaporation - transpiration method using panel data in the semi-arid climate of Mashhadnafise nikbakhtM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2014-01-31
Development of semi-arid and dry climates where the different scenarios of changes in temperature, precipitation and evapotranspiration in Khorasan Razavifahime sadat shirdelM.Sc.Alizadeh2014-02-01
Application and Assessment of a Developed Coupled-Groundwater–Surface Water Model in the Neishaboor WatershedAzizallah IzadyPhDDavary2014-02-10
independent estimation of stages evaporation from saline soil.mahdi selahvarziM.Sc.Ghahraman2014-02-10
Evaluating the salinity and regulated deficit irrigation Interaction on maize component yield and yield and determination of water – salinity production functionzahra shirmohamadi ali akbar khaniPhDAnsari2014-03-01
study of flow into qanat using numerical modelingmaryam azari radM.Sc.Ziaei2014-03-15
The Optimization of Multi reservoir Water Resources System Operations Using Multi-Objective Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (MOICA) (Case study: Ostoor & Pirtaghi reservoir in Ghezel Ozan Watershed)mohamadreza ahmadianM.Sc.Faridhosseini2014-06-10
Monitoring and predicting drought and determining of most effective factors on drought useing of panel data in synoptic stations Khorasan Razavi Provinceghazale kavakebiM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2014-06-15
Comparing SEBAL and S-SEBI algorithms for estimation of the evapotranspiration in Neishabovr plain using the MODIS satellite imagery.Mohammad Reza AzadM.Sc.Ghahraman2014-06-16
Optimal Design of Flood Control Systems by Multi-Criteria Decision Makingazam safaeiM.Sc.Khodashenas2014-06-18
Compare Furrow Irrigation in Real Time and irrigation based on the initial designMirhadi tamaddoniM.Sc.Davary2014-06-21
Study of Effects of wet and dry periods on several important water quality parameterszeynab dehghaniM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2014-06-21
Estimation of groundwater recharge in irrigated farms using unsaturated zoon modeling, case study: Neyshabour Plainraziyeh lakM.Sc.Ziaei2014-06-23
Investigation of climatic fluctuations and its effects on rangeland vegetation in Tourogh watershed dam, Mashhad, Iranmasume ostadM.Sc.Mosaedi2014-08-24
Meteorological Parameters Trend Analysis Using Discrete Wavelet TransformSeyed Alireza AraghiM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2014-09-06
Investigating effects of deficit irrigation and water salinity on greenhouse PEPPER yield in smart drip irrigation systemmohammad salarianM.Sc.Alizadeh2014-09-07
forecasting of climatic parameters using SARIMA for crop insurance planningmahdi sadeghiM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2014-09-08
Drought analysis with synthesis index (SDI) and TRMM data inRazaviKhorasan provinceMozhdeh Salimi fardM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2014-09-20
Extreme values modeling of annual wind speed for Iran using time series and it’s frequency analysisvajiheh mohammadi sabetM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2014-09-20
The study of Changes in climate zones of Iran, in the period 2010- 2099 under global warming phenomenon using fine-scale view atmospheric general circulation modelsGholam Reza SabouriM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2014-09-21
Experimental study of scour control at bridge piers using downstream bed sills under live bed conditionsHosseinali ArabM.Sc.Esmaili2014-10-07
Engineering design of drip irrigation- Maintenance and operation of network of drip irrigation – Evaluation of drip irrigation in parts of Astan -e – Qods Razavi FarmsMAHMOUD ALMEHBASHM.Sc.Ghahraman2014-10-18
Automatic Calibration Sensitive Parameters of Hydrologic Model HEC-HMS by Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (PSO)reza garmehM.Sc.Faridhosseini2014-11-26
Flood Risk Mapping Of Shandiz River Using HEC-RAS Hydraulic Model & Geographic Information System and comparison with CES Software.ensieh abbaspourM.Sc.Khodashenas2015-01-21
Lake and Reservoir Evaporation: A new Approach Development and Application Based on Energy Balance Model and Remote Sensing Datamaysam majidi khalil abadPhDAlizadeh2015-01-24
Study on the variation of Quantitative , qualitative changes and persistence traits of sabzevar late maturity melon under salinity water in drip irrigation methodJavad BaghaniPhDAlizadeh2015-01-25
Modeling the effects of salinity stress and deficit irrigation on the growth process of two cultivars of canolavahid yazdaniPhDDavary2015-01-26
Evaluating the effects of irrigation depths and nitrogen on yield and quality of grass in subsurface irrigationhesel cheperliM.Sc.Ansari2015-01-31
Prediction of range plant production due to different climate change scenarios over Next 20 Years (Iran)najmeh gholamisambaM.Sc.Mosaedi2015-01-31
The simulation of snowmelt runoff using SRM model Satellite data and MODIS (Case study: Simineh river basin in Urmia)shirin goudarziM.Sc.Faridhosseini2015-02-03
Determining the agricultural wells work hourse in Mashhad-Chenaran plain.saeedeh zahmatiM.Sc.Alizadeh2015-02-04
Evaluation Performance of Gotvand Irrigation and Drainage Network Using MASSCOTE (Mapping System and Services for Canal Operation Techniques )sepideh rahmatiM.Sc.Ghahraman2015-02-09
‍Parameters Calibration and Uncertainty analysis of SWAP agrohydrologial model and its influence on irrigation scheduling at farm levelMojtaba ShafieiPhDGhahraman2015-03-07
Estimation of snow range by snow coefficient and calculation snow water equivalentmajid rajabi jagharghM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2015-03-08
providing an applied guideline for groundwater quality monitoring for neyshabur watershedfarid entezariM.Sc.Davary2015-03-16
Design and implementing a furrow irrigation automation system ( real time ) with the aid of avr microcontroller and evaluation of its performancemohamadreza ardameM.Sc.Davary2015-05-09
Experimental modeling of subsurface flow collection system river bedelaheh ghavamiM.Sc.Esmaili2015-05-09
Evaloating combination of Nozzle and adsorption – resin filtration as a hybrid process to control seasonal suspended sediment and dissolved solids for the treatment of Municipal Drinking water (Case study: Toroq Water Treatment PlantBABAK MEHRAVARANPhDAnsari2015-06-10
Dam two-dimensional stratification modeling (case study: Doosti Dam)arezoo hasibiM.Sc.Khodashenas2015-06-13
Study the effect of extrime climatic changes on saffron yield and determination of suitable cultivation areas (case study: Khorasan Razavi province)Moein TosanM.Sc.Alizadeh2015-06-20
Spatial and temporal downscaling of MODIS based-Actual ET via Landsat 8 Using Regression, Substraction Methods and Different Scaling Factorsmehdi mokariPhDGhahraman2015-06-27
forcasting of dry and wet years by using time series models( case study: south Khorasan province)mohammad reza nahasiM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2015-07-01
Investigating the behavior of Subtropical jet stream over the Middle East، to determine the beginning of the summer in Iranjamile gholipourM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2015-07-01
Using of MODFLOW to develop the groundwater model of Mahvelat plainMojtaba AhmadiM.Sc.Ziaei2015-09-02
Determination of regional relationships of suspended sediment discharge based on watershed characteristics in Mashhad and Nishabour regionselyas ramezanipourM.Sc.Mosaedi2015-09-09
The effect of water and potassium fertilizer on the root growth and yield product of Sorghum varieties.SEYED HASAN MOOSAVI FAZLPhDAlizadeh2015-09-12
Evaluation the possibility of increasing cereal productivity in rainfed agriculture using real-time drought monitoring (The Case Study: Kabul River Basin – Afghanistan)Hadi HusainiM.Sc.Ansari2015-09-12
Experimental study on different types of pavements in order to control urban floodHAMID REZA RAHIMIM.Sc.Khodashenas2015-09-12
: Comparing mathematical models on labyrinth weirs with different geometriesfarzad arjmandi kiaM.Sc.Esmaili2015-09-12
CALIPSO Cloud and Aerosol Discrimination (CAD)Sina Zahedi AslM.Sc.Faridhosseini2015-09-15
One-dimensional modeling of flow in Permeablebeds using finite volume methods developedaylar ebrahimzadehM.Sc.Ziaei2015-09-19
Two-Dimensional simulation of stream flow from intense rainfall (Case Study: Atrack River)Sayyed Hamid Reza MadaniM.Sc.Faridhosseini2015-09-21
The Evaluating of the possibility of replacing Cprecip parameter with SWE using Artifical Nerual Networks(ANNs) in order to predicting daily river flow discharge (Case Study : Talar River in Mazandaran province)ZEINAB MOHAMMADIM.Sc.Faridhosseini2015-09-22
Evaluation of TRMM Satellite Data Based on selected Stations of Iranmohamadali mohamadpourM.Sc.Alizadeh2015-09-23
Evaluation of root properties effect on water uptake rate in micro and macro models (Case Study: Tomato)hadi dehghanPhDAlizadeh2015-09-23
The effect of deficit irrigation and nano fertilization on yield of basil (ocimum basilicum)mohammad naderianfarPhDAnsari2015-09-23
The effect of deficit- irrigation with saline water, nano particles SiO2 and magnetic field on growth and yield of FenugreekReyhaneh IvaniPhDSanaei Nejad2015-09-23
Optimizing total cost and resilience index in water distribution networks using MOPSOzahra fahimtarzaghiM.Sc.Ziaei2015-10-07
Optimization of leaching under different scenarios of irrigation management with salin water in order to achieve the maximum net profit and the minimum leachingMasoud MohammadiPhDDavary2015-10-14
Uncertainty Assessment of Groundwater Flow Modelling by Using Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation Method (Case Study: Bojnourd Plain)Maryam AbediniM.Sc.Ziaei2015-10-25
Satellite Image Based Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration Using the SEBS Algorithm (Case Study: Neshabour Plain)Parivash ParidadM.Sc.Davary2015-10-31
Modeling Electrical Conductivity (EC) of Groundwater using MT3DMS ( Case study : Bojnourd plain )Mahsa KheirandishM.Sc.Ziaei2015-11-04
Using logs and geophysics data for Modeling of Bojnord aquifer with emphasis on hydrostratigraphymina tajabadiM.Sc.Davary2015-11-09
Effects of nitrogen fertilizer and irrigation water on root growth parameters (maize single cross 704 in Kerman area)Nader Koohi chellehkaranPhDAlizadeh2015-11-15
The estimation of Curve Number (CN) using the information of landsat data sets (Landsat and IRS-LISS),(case study: kardeh basin)masood masoodiM.Sc.Faridhosseini2015-12-14
Effect Investigation of Irrigation Management and Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield Quality and Quantity of Peanuts (Arachis hypogea L) (Model and field experimentMohammad Ali GhannadzadehPhDFaridhosseini2015-12-14
Evaluating the effects of summer irrigation and mulch cover on yield and flowering of saffronhossein karimi seghalehM.Sc.Ansari2016-01-16
Assessment of temperature and precipitation effects on pistachio yields, case study: Kerman, Iranhassan fakooriM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2016-01-19
Integrated Water Supply Reliability Development of Boundary Rivers and Assessment on Harirud Boundary River (Doosti Dam) in Khorasan Razavi ProvinceSeyede Saeede SherafatM.Sc.Davary2016-01-19
determination of sediment flux to torogh dam reservoir & usable life estimation using sednet softwaremahdis rahnamaM.Sc.Khodashenas2016-01-20
Analysis of drought characteristics based on statistical methods in different regions of IranAdeleh HatefiM.Sc.Mosaedi2016-01-25
Fractal analysis of temperature time seriesshima tajabadiM.Sc.Ghahraman2016-01-26
Drought Analysis by Application of CopulaSamira AhmadiM.Sc.Ghahraman2016-01-26
experimental simulation of Estimate the transmission losses in ephemeral streamparvin jafariM.Sc.Esmaili2016-01-26
The effect of water salinity and deficit irrigation on physiological and morphological characteristics of Caesalpinia gilliesiimona kazemi kordasiabiM.Sc.Alizadeh2016-01-27
Estimation Of Coffiecent Resistance Flow With MultiVariate Linaer Regression ‎Masoumeh YeganehM.Sc.Khodashenas2016-01-27
Preventive Maintenance Management Model of Urban Water Distribution Networks Based on ReliabilityFariba GHanbariM.Sc.Davary2016-01-27
Estimation of evapotranspiration, aerodynamic, surface resistances and crop coefficients for Calendula officinalis. , in arid climate of KermanFarideh Sadat Hasheminasab KhabisiPhDMousavi Baygi2016-02-24
Assessing water productivity by using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)zahra esfandiyariM.Sc.Davary2016-02-27
Numerical Modeling of Flow pattern over Labyrinth Side Weirs Using Large ‎Eddy Simulation methodfatemeh attarzadehM.Sc.Khodashenas2016-02-29
Study of the chaotic behavior of evapotranspiration reference as a function of nonlinear dynamics of meteorological parametersAmir EslamiPhDGhahraman2016-03-08
Estimation of suspended sediment load in rivers using Sediment Rating Curve method adjused by hydroclimetological multi –varient modelsMohammad Reza AkbarzadehPhDKhodashenas2016-03-12
Steady of Neyshabour sewer network effects on regional groundwater resourcesSaeed ShirazianM.Sc.Ziaei2016-07-16
Study of roughness and water jet effects on hydraulic jump characteristicsMehdi DastouraniPhDEsmaili2016-08-23
3D penetration modeling of surface irrigation using numerical methods in non-orthogonal coordinate systemMohammadreza NaghedifarM.Sc.Ansari2016-09-05
study on the effect of different irrigation regimes on crop water use efficiency of autumn sugar beet in Mashhad region and simulation for different climate conditions of Khorasan-e-Razaviseyed abolghassem haghayeghiPhDAlizadeh2016-09-06
Uncertainty Analysis and Parameters Estimation of Rainfall Runoff Modelling Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methodmahrouz nouraliPhDGhahraman2016-09-15
Application of Advanced Statistical Methods in Evaluation and Design of Optimal Network for Groundwater Quality Monitoring (Case Study: Mashhad Aquifer)Moslem AkbarzadehPhDGhahraman2016-09-15
Prediction of annual evporation change in dry region watersheds using the aridity index (Case study of Neishaboor watershed)Ameneh MianabadiPhDAlizadeh2016-09-17
Assessment the effect of management and environmental factors and crop indices on wheat Water Productivity (Case study: the upper part of the Karkheh river basin)Mehdi NakhjavanimoghaddamPhDGhahraman2016-09-18
Studying the vulnerability of Groundwater Resources in Mashhad Basin to Nitrate using modified drastic method and fuzzy rulessoheila ghorbanpoorM.Sc.Beheshti2016-09-18
Effects of irrigation water salinity on roots growth dynamics of late summer melon (A case study for cv. Mahvelati)shokoofeh fahimiM.Sc.Alizadeh2016-09-19
Assessment of flow estimation methods with a return period of 25 years for determining the bed and territory of river in semi-arid zones (Part of Kashafrud)Samira BabakhaniM.Sc.Esmaili2016-09-21
Selection and Feasibility of Irrigation Systems Using Analytical Hierarchy Process (Case Study of Neyshaboor)azam pahlavan yousefkhaniM.Sc.Khodashenas2016-09-21
The effect of the hydraulic characteristics of flow on the bed scour around horizontally pipes, with a Piggyback lineSOBHAN MORADIM.Sc.Esmaili2016-09-21
Agricultural Drought Assessment Using Remote Sensing-Based ApproachesMOsayeb MoQbeliM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2016-09-21
Investigation and Comparison of water use and water use efficiency in direct seeded and transplanted supersweet corn in different irrigation regimes and simulation for different climate conditions of Khorasan-e-RazaviArdavan ZolfagharanPhDAlizadeh2016-09-21
Heat Iland analysis with autocorrelation methods in Mashhad and the effects on around fields Evapotranspirationlida alizadeM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2016-09-21
Evaluateing The effects of Deficit Irrigation, Full Irrigation, Night and Day Irrigation on sweet corn (Merritt) yeild under drip irrigationseyed ali mousavi chashmiM.Sc.Ansari2016-09-21
Measured, simulated and comporison of soil wetting patterns under surface drip irrigation, subsurface drip irrigation and subsurface clay pipe irrigation by hydrus-2D modelvahid birjand moshiriM.Sc.Ghahraman2016-09-25
Investigation and evaluation of historical remains and water structures, by applying AHP method and value engineering to preserve and come into operationshahram karimiPhDAlizadeh2016-10-05
The Study on Effects of Plastic Mulch on the Surface Drip Irrigation Systems in Pistachio orchards (Case Study:Rafsanjan Plain)Nasser SedaghatiPhDAlizadeh2016-10-05
Study on water and nitrogen productivity under different moisture Stress and cultivation systems in Keshvari rice in Mazandran Provincereza asadiPhDAlizadeh2016-10-08
Study of water market effect on agriculture water allocation regard to possible climatic change in Mashhad-Chenaran plainNajmeh Majidi Khalil AbadPhDAlizadeh2016-11-15
Mashhad Water Supply Reliability EvaluationAhmad GhandhariPhDDavary2016-11-19
Experimental Study on Self-Burial pipeline with spoiler on the erodible bed.jafar mehrabadiPhDGhahraman2016-11-23
Both effect of soil texture and planting sunflower on Purification of industrial wastewater containing Arsenic: irrigation applicationFateme Heydari ToopkanluM.Sc.Alizadeh2017-01-01
Spatio - Temporal analysis of temperature, precipitation and evapotranspiration based on the hybrid method of the similarity algorithm, four-dimensional matrix and Geostatistics using remote sensing and Dynamic Downscaling dataNEGAR SIABIPhDSanaei Nejad2017-01-18
Numerical Modelling of subsurface flow in an Infiltration Trench for the best urban storm water management practicesPhDKhodashenas2017-01-28
Assess the potential of Shandiz artificial reacharge with Seep/watefe arfaM.Sc.Khodashenas2017-01-30
Investigating the effects of elevated CO2 concentration and deficit irrigation on quantity and quality of lentil cropshideh shamsPhDMousavi Baygi2017-02-01
Investigate the interactions between different levels of irrigation and salinity on yield and yield components of forage sorghum production function of water and salinity in subsurface drip irrigation systemhalimeh piriPhDAnsari2017-02-01
The Study of the Effluent Quality Enhancement from Urban Wastewater Treatment Plant by a Natural Process Using Horizontal Roughing Filter (HRF) UnitMajid DaeePhDAlizadeh2017-02-04
Derivation and Analysis of water demand management strategies from the perspective of consumer and Authoritiesaboozar hatami yazdPhDDavary2017-02-11
Drought monitoring using Temperature Vegetation Dryness Index(TVDI) from MODIS satellite images on a regional scale (Case study:Northern khorasan Province)nazila shamlooM.Sc.Faridhosseini2017-02-11
Effect of wetting-drying cycle on soil physical properties (case study : Shahid Yaghoubi Dam)Ghasem PanahiM.Sc.Khodashenas2017-02-11
The modeling and study of the wind field around agricultural buildings to determine the starting limits of areas under sprinkler irrigationreihanehsadat madaniM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2017-02-11
A study on influence sunlight's intensity and it's quantity on variations in physiological and morphological characteristics of peppermint (Mentha piperita L)majid morabbayanM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2017-02-13
Evaluation of sedimentation in Kardeh Reservoir ‎and its effects on evaporation from the lake of dammaryam yazdanparastM.Sc.Mosaedi2017-02-14
The effect of the simultaneous irrigation deficit and soil different layering on morphological characteristics of tomato plantAkram Safdari Kalateh Mir EsmaeelM.Sc.Ansari2017-02-14
Prediction of discharge using time series models in Mahareloo Basinafsaneh estakiM.Sc.Mosaedi2017-02-15
Determination of environmental water requirements applying hydraulics and hydrological methodsmaryam dehghanzade M.Sc.Mosaedi2017-02-15
Study on the effect of temperature-humidity stress on performance of dairy cattle in different climates of Iran and determination the best index for the stressmehdi mohajerpourPhDAlizadeh2017-02-15
Effect of width reduction in a new system of bottom intake in clear water and sediment flow situationsَAylin GharanjikM.Sc.Khodashenas2017-02-16
Effect of slope in a new system of bottom intake in clear water and sediment flow situationsfatemeh sadat madaniM.Sc.Khodashenas2017-02-18
Multivariate Joint Drought Assessment for the Severity and Duration of SPI & SPEI indexes Using Copula Functionsmasoud yosefiM.Sc.Ansari2017-02-20
study and comparison the new methods of seepage control in dam foundation (case study: Damghan earth dam)zahra jebellyM.Sc.Esmaili2017-05-06
Evaluation resolution digital elevation models by simulating rainfall-runoff (Case Study: Kardeh dam basin)elahe sahraeeM.Sc.Esmaili2017-05-16
Assessment of water use efficiency and production risk of winter wheat due to extreme climatic events in climate change condition Case study: Khorasan Razavi Provincemaryam erfanianPhDAnsari2017-05-20
River flood plain modeling software to determine areas of vulnerability and provide solutions Case Study: Ferizi Riversfateme ghahremaniM.Sc.Esmaili2017-06-06
Implementation of Water Accounting Framework at the Basin Scale(Case Study: Neyshabour Plain)Sepideh Ashkan NazhandM.Sc.Davary2017-06-10
Scaling of border irrigation for dissimilar soilsmohammad mahdi chariPhDDavary2017-06-11
framework for hazards mitigation of sever and prolonged droughtshashem derakhshanM.Sc.Davary2017-06-14
Partitioning of transpiration and evaporation in different irrigation management of rice in Guilan provinceEbrahim Asadi OskoueiPhDMousavi Baygi2017-07-12
Modeling Surface Water-Groundwater Interaction in Samalghan Watershed Using SWATSeyeid Aref SeyeidanM.Sc.Ziaei2017-09-04
Estimation of surface soil moisture from passive microwave remote sensing data using Land Parameter Retrieval Method (LPRM) and relating that to the root zone moisture based on Soil Moisture Analytical Relationship (SMAR)FARID FARIDANI BARDASKANPhDAnsari2017-09-06
Developing a drought monitoring and predicting system under climate change scenarios by combination of meteorological, gridded data set and numerical model outputs in the Kashafrood Basin.Nasrin SalehniaPhDAlizadeh2017-09-11
Development of a Water Balance Model in Catchamet scale, its Calibration and Uncertainty Assessmentsaeed emamifarPhDDavary2017-09-13
Providing empirical equations for scour depth estimation at pile groups based on experimental datamojtaba alipour nodehiM.Sc.Beheshti2017-09-16
Estimates of probable maximum precipitation for 24 hours duration with statistical and synoptical methods in Kermanshah provinceAthena AmeriM.Sc.Ghahraman2017-09-16
Modeling Soil Temperature using Wavelet Transform (WT) and Adaptive-Network Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) Hybrid ModelSeyed Alireza AraghiPhDMousavi Baygi2017-09-16
Drought Analysis under Climate Change using Copula FunctionsMansoureh KouhiPhDSanaei Nejad2017-09-17
The Assessment of Hydrologic Impact of Climate Change on Kashafrood River Basin with RegCM- and HEC- HMS ModelsS.Fateme HosseiniM.Sc.Faridhosseini2017-09-18
Estimation of actual evapotranspiration and crop coefficient for maize using remote sensing dataMohammad Ismaeil KamaliPhDFaridhosseini2017-09-20
optimization of water-energy productivity for selection of cropping pattern and irrigation method (case study: Mashhad-Chenaran plain)mohammad karimzadehPhDAlizadeh2017-09-20
Optimization of Energy Consumption at Pumping Stations of Urban Water Distribution Networks Using Darwin Scheduler Modeljavad karamiM.Sc.Faridhosseini2017-09-20
Heat Waves Prediction Under Climate Change Scenarios in Khorasan Razavi provinceSeyed Mahmoud KhansariM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2017-09-20
Determination the amount of rain interception in different growth stages of sugar beet and its effect on estimating the water requirement of this plant in Mashhadsomayeh rajabi asad abadiM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2017-09-20
developing a method for assessment of agricultural drought riskNajmeh KhaliliPhDDavary2017-09-20
The new approach Approximate Solutions to Richards’ Equation for Soil Water Infiltration Using Scaling and Experimental modelsmarjan ghoochanianM.Sc.Ghahraman2017-09-20
Strategies development of adaptation to climate change in estimation water requirement and crop yield of wheat and cornMohammad Javad Khordadi VaraminiPhDAlizadeh2017-09-21
The effects of climate change on water requirement of pistachio (Case study: Plain Mahvelat)mehdi kabirM.Sc.Alizadeh2017-10-02
Analysis of Headloss in Gabion steeped spillways with and without sedimentation at upstreamSeyed Hossein RajaeiPhDKhodashenas2017-10-04
Development and Assessment of an Integrated Model of flow in Surface, Unsaturated and Saturated zones in Neishaboor RegionFarzaneh NazariehPhDAnsari2017-10-12
Assessment of the relationship between groundwater drought with meteorological drought, according to SPI, SPEI and RDI indices in Mashhad plainsomaye viseyazdiM.Sc.Faridhosseini2017-10-17
Water-energy Productivity for Major Agricultural Crops at Neyshabur basin in order to provide appropriate crop pattern for Sustainable Management of Water ResourcesYavar PourmohamadPhDAlizadeh2017-12-23
Modified patterns of diurnal temperature and relative humidity based on climatically clustering in Iranbahareh mirkamandarM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2017-12-30
Flood zoning and risk taking analysis in rivers Case Study : Mashhad plain in watershed of river Kashafrudmahmoud azamiradPhDGhahraman2018-01-14
Sensitivity analysis of reference evapotranspiration for current models using Monte-Carlo simulation in Iransafiyeh chekaveM.Sc.Davary2018-01-15
The use of satellites rainfall data and rainfall estimation remote sensing modelsfor runoff estimation and evaluation of Rainfall-runoff model sensitivity to precipitation data with different resolutionMohammadreza zangenehPhDGhahraman2018-01-22
Numerical simulation of flow hydraulic and sediment transport in straight compound channels using Flow-3DFarzad Darvish MojeniM.Sc.Khodashenas2018-01-24
The Trend of Changes in Snow Cover and Simulating Snow Melt Runoff Using The SRM model and Investigating The Impacts of Climate Change In The Karde BasinMahdi HosseinzadhM.Sc.Alizadeh2018-01-29
Satellite precipitation data (Merra, GPM, TRMM) and rain-gauge stations evalution and application for modeling CREST model , case study: Kashafrod basionseyede maryam AlibakhshiPhDFaridhosseini2018-02-07
The study of climate and land use change scenarios combination effects on surface flowsdelaram Houshmand KouchiPhDEsmaili2018-02-10
(Validation of SMOS satellite data to estimate soil moisture (A case study: West and South-west of IranMozhdeh JameiPhDMousavi Baygi2018-02-12
Modeling effect of climate extreme indices on crop yield and water productivity in order to adaptation to climate change impacts in future periods (Case Study: Wheat and Barley in Karkheh River Basin)Samaneh AshrafPhDAlizadeh2018-02-17
Effect of Drought on Surface Water and Groundwater Resources of Jiroft plainnasibeh nezhadmoghbeliM.Sc.Mosaedi2018-02-18
Assessment of climate change and climate extremes on temporal and spatial changing of saffron yield in the future periodssaeedeh kouzegaranPhDMousavi Baygi2018-02-18
Hydraulic Parameter Determination of Porous Bottom Intakes under Sediment Yield Using Physical ModelingHossein ShariatiPhDKhodashenas2018-02-19
Studying the existing standards and criteria in effluent’s usage for agriculturenajme gazor habib abadiM.Sc.Davary2018-03-06
Evaluation effects of different irrigation levels and biofertilizers and chemical fertilizers on quantitative and qualitative yield of henna plantalireza vahidiPhDAlizadeh2018-05-12
Evaluation of evapotranspiration variation trend of urban landscape plants under different environment conditions and mixed planting (Case Study: turf, hedge and unfruitful trees in Golbahar new town)Ramin NaderiPhDAnsari2018-05-12
Assessment of pickling impact on reducing emitter clogging in subsurface drip irrigationjavad jahanginM.Sc.Ansari2018-05-20
Urban Flood Modelling (Case Study: Chehel-Bazeh golestan region)Fatemeh GhobadiM.Sc.Khodashenas2018-06-17
Study of aquifer recharge in bojnoord by groundwater and river interaction modelingsaeed sarvariM.Sc.Ziaei2018-06-17
Determination of stage-discharge curve in compound channels using entropy approachzahra ghahremaniM.Sc.Esmaili2018-06-24
Analysis of agricultural drought using remote sensing techniques and the development of an appropriate index for agricultural drought assessmentSamira NooriPhDSanaei Nejad2018-06-26
Performance assessments of some common drought indices and Scalogram model based on major crop yields in Golestan provincemostafa hosseinpourM.Sc.Beheshti2018-06-30
Providing Composite Index drought monitoring using Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) model and Fuzzy theory (case study catchment Neyshabour)seyedeh Aida Hashemi NasabPhDAnsari2018-07-28
(Evaluation and Optimization of Raingauge Network Using Probability Kriging (Case study: Razavi and South Khorasan provincemohammad ramezanifarM.Sc.Ghahraman2018-07-28
Study of land-use variation and urban development effects on run-off coefficient and its mitigation methods urban flood; case study: Tehran zone 4akbar mokhtarpourPhDKhodashenas2018-08-15
study on the possibility of using soil-cement-microsilica mixtures in stabilization of water erosionbabak taghdisiPhDEsmaili2018-08-25
Evaluating the effect of irrigation deficit and timing on tomato yield and changing in moisture and temperature of root zoneJAFAR HASHEMPOURMOHAMMADABADIPhDAnsari2018-09-12
Study on efficiency of agricultural water productivity optimal cropping pattern based on farmers' subjective preferences and the fuzzy goal programming modelsparisa shahin rokhsar ahmadiPhDAlizadeh2018-09-12
Optimization of Multireservoir Systems Operation with Emphasis on FloodControl (Case study: Bustan and Golestan dams in Golestan Province)zahra sadeghiPhDKhodashenas2018-09-16
The prediction of time variation of sediment input into the Torogh Dam Reservoir by The IHACRES rainfall-runoff modelSoheila SeifiM.Sc.Khodashenas2018-09-17
َAssessment of groundwater recharge in different lands and irrigation management scenarios using numerical of unsaturatedensiyeh shamsi tavasaniM.Sc.Ansari2018-09-18
Estimation of Root Zone Soil Moisture Using Passive Microwave Remote Sensing Data and SMAR Model (Case Study: Khorasan Razavi Province)Fatemeh GheybiM.Sc.Faridhosseini2018-09-18
Estimation of deep penetration in wheat field with surface and pressure irrigation (Case study: Farm Ferdowsi University of Mashhad(nima bakhshi dehnaviM.Sc.Ziaei2018-09-18
Seasonal Prediction of Temperature and Precipitation using RegCM-4 Model in Two Climate Regions (Case Study: Khorasan Razavi and North Khorasan Proviences)Lobat Kosari MoghaddamM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2018-09-18
Assessment of severe-precipitating convective systems in northern Iran using satellite imagesMojtaba PiroozniaM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2018-09-22
Estimate of Wheat Yield By Using LANDSAT-8 & SENTINEL-2 Satellite Imagery(Case Study: Astan Quds Razavi Wheat field)arash razbanM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2018-09-22
Micro-zoning and assessment of frost vulnerability in pistachio gardens of Neyshabour city using object oriented processing techniques and GIS spatial analysishosein shayestehM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2018-09-22
Assessment of the ability of gridded data set for plotting IDF-Curves in water structureAtena PezeshkiM.Sc.Esmaili2018-09-26
River flow modeling under the influence of uncertainty and climate change in semi-arid areas using generalized linear models (case study :Balakhanlu Dam)hannaneh baroutiPhDEsmaili2018-09-26
Regional Frequency Analysis of Hydrological Drought Based on Copula Functionsfarhad farsadniaPhDGhahraman2018-10-09
The effects of some preservatives water (SAP) in the quantity and quality of irrigation waterfateme jannesarM.Sc.Banejad2018-10-14
Optimization of pump scheduling based on multi tariff scenario energy costsSaeideh ShafeiM.Sc.Beheshti2018-10-16
Optimizing Irrigation Management through Deficit Irrigation and Crop Rotation by Combining the Simulation Crop Model AquaCrop with An Economic ModelNasrin SarrafzadehM.Sc.Davary2018-10-20
Review of the transfer Nitrate-depth under cultivation of corn forage and feed barley using the Urban Wastewater (Case Study: Wastewater Treatment Plant City Neyshabur)taheri mohamadPhDAlizadeh2018-12-01
Effects of Climate Change on the Frequency of Adverse Weather Events during the Wheat-Growing Season (Case Study: The Main Areas of Rainfed Wheat Production in Iran)Mojtaba ShokouhiPhDSanaei Nejad2018-12-05
Studying the Effect of Stilling Basins Bed Permeability on Hydraulic Jump CharacteristicsNima AkbariPhDEsmaili2018-12-11
Analysis of the Challenges of Levee's Destruction Under the Intense Rainfall by 2D ModelingAliakbar SaadatfarM.Sc.Faridhosseini2018-12-18
(The Effect Of Magnetic Water To Improve Water Consumption And Radish Plant Yield (Raphanus Sativmasoumeh metanatM.Sc.Banejad2019-01-05
Effect of Various Sewage and Wastewater Levels on Qualitative and Quantitative Characteristics of Tomatoes in Deficit-Irrigation conditionsMOHAMMAD ALI BOUSHM.Sc.Banejad2019-01-05
The statistical comparison of rainfall data of IMERG at level three of GPM and 3B42V7 satellites, from TRMM data set with rain recorded at ground stations.mina مشایخی مزارM.Sc.Ghahraman2019-01-21
Estimate soil moisture profileyalda feilyM.Sc.Ghahraman2019-01-23
Prioritizing solutions to reducing non-revenue water in urban water systems, using analytical hierarchy process (Case Study: Khaf city)forough vazeiM.Sc.Esmaili2019-01-28
Investigating the Possibility of Balancing Agricultural Water Resources (Case Study: Jovein Plain)Manizhe GhahremanzadeM.Sc.Banejad2019-02-02
An Copula Based Bivariate Analysis of Drought using SPI & SPEI indicesReza VahdatiM.Sc.Davary2019-02-12
Designing a groundwater monitoring network using the VSP softwareseyedeh zahra adnaniM.Sc.Ziaei2019-02-12
Evaluation and Comparison of Spatio-Temporal Methods for Drought Monitoring in North-East of IranMahsa SametiPhDSanaei Nejad2019-02-13
Turbulent flow modeling in vortex settling basins using large eddy simulationneda sheikh rezazadeh nikouPhDZiaei2019-02-16
Joint Use of Rainfall Ground Station Data with TRMM Data to Generate Rainfall IDF Estimates in Khorasan Razavi Provincejavad rahimi sebdaniM.Sc.Davary2019-02-16
Integrated Approach of Water, Energy and Food in Water Resources Management of Mashhad Basinvahideh safaeeM.Sc.Davary2019-02-16
The Evaluation of Reliability in Water Distribution Network Using by SPEA2 Methodyounes mazaherizadehPhDFaridhosseini2019-02-19
Developing a Mixed Method for Estimation of Regional Meteorological Data with Panel Data Approachpooya shiraziPhDDavary2019-02-19
Management and Monitoring Wheat Production Efficiency with Spatial Evaluation of Rainfed Wheat Based on Actual Evapotranspiration for North Khorasan Provinceseyed mahdi fatemiPhDDavary2019-02-19
Determining safe yield and sustainable yield for groundwater resources in Neishabour plainparisa kazeraniM.Sc.Ziaei2019-02-24
Modeling of Fractal Emitters Clogging Due to Effect of Sedimentation And Compare Their Performance In Different Flow RatesAhmad PezeshkM.Sc.Ansari2019-02-24
Investgating the conjunctive effects of salinity and deficit irrigation on yield and yield components of two cultivars of wheatmohammad najafiM.Sc.Ansari2019-02-27
Investigation of Correlation between Evapotranspiration and Precipitation Using The Copula functionsshaghayegh goliM.Sc.Mosaedi2019-03-09
Optimizing location and dosage of chlorine injection in water distribution network using genetic algorithm with regard to passive defense strategy (Case study: I1 area of Mashhad city)majid nouri mohammadiehPhDDavary2019-03-16
Determination of Energy Balance Parameters Using SAFER Algorithm and Remote Sensing Data in Mashhadshabnam afzaliM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2019-04-22
The Effect of Mixing the Urban Refined Wastewater and Sediment Flow on Erosion Threshold Shear Stress in the Water Transmission Networkszahra taheriPhDEsmaili2019-06-25
Investigation of water quality regulations in designing of modern irrigation systems (case study, razavi and northern Khorasan province )farhad dorofkiM.Sc.Ansari2019-07-31
An investigation of the effect of magnetized water on the compressive strength of concrete in the course of water transferFereshte SafaryM.Sc.Banejad2019-08-25
Transport of TiO2 Nano Particles in Unsaturated Porous Mediasamira omidiPhDDavary2019-09-01
Interaction of Organic Fertilizer and Different Irrigation Levels on Yield and Yield Components of Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.)maryam hajmirzaeiM.Sc.Ansari2019-09-14
Investigation on the Hydraulic Characteristics of Flow in the Side Sluice Gates under Various Intake Angles and Different Positions of the GateHamid KianmehrPhDKhodashenas2019-09-17
Drought Characteristics and Their Changes Based on SPI, SPEI, RDI and eRDI Indices in Selected Synoptic Stations of Iranmansoreh ghaznaviM.Sc.Mosaedi2019-09-17
Investigation of Combined Effect of Temperature, Precipitation and Land Use Changes on River Runoff in Kardeh Dam BasinMehdi Mehdizadeh KarizakiPhDAlizadeh2019-09-21
Integrated surface and groundwater flow modeling in Neishaboor watershed concerning cultivation pattern and climate changeAlieh SaadatpourPhDAlizadeh2019-09-21
The Effects of North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) on Meteorological Parameters of North East of Iranparisa mahmoodiM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2019-09-22
Evaluation of the Performance of Geomorphic Flood Index (GFI) in Floodplain Mapping (Case study: Shapour Basin,Fars province)sirus narrei bakhtiariM.Sc.Faridhosseini2019-09-22
Interaction effects of different levels of irrigation and salinity on medicinal Evening Primrose (Oenothera biennis L.)azam gholamzadeh abghalehM.Sc.Ansari2019-09-22
Monitoring Drought Using Combined Drought Index (CDI) in Tamar and Ramian Basins (Golestan Province)reza ashouri mendiM.Sc.Mosaedi2019-09-22
Monitoring Soil Moisture in the root area using satellite data and MSMAR model in Caspian Sea coastal provinces, IranKosar HasanzadehM.Sc.Faridhosseini2019-09-22
The Hybrid EM and evolutionary algorithms for estimating and analyzing missing data in meteorology Case study: 130-years monthly precipitation and temperature of five stations in Iranmahbobeh farzandiPhDSanaei Nejad2019-09-22
Analysis for Excessive consumption of agricultural water with remote sensing: A Case Study in Neyshabur Areafatemeh soroushM.Sc.Davary2019-09-22
A Multi-Criteria Decision Support System for Water Resource Allocation inside a basin for case study: Mazandaran-Golestan water conveyance systemNosratollah AssadiPhDDavary2019-09-22
Simultaneous Management of Resources and Demand in order to Equilibrum of Groundwater level in the Neyshabour Plainakbar alipourPhDDavary2019-09-22
Comparison of SRM and HEC-HMS models efficiency for snowmelt runoff simulation (Case Study: Sarab Zayanderud basin)Samaneh AmiriM.Sc.Faridhosseini2019-09-22
Modeling the surface water balance components on regional scale with Noah-MP land surface modelsamira mirshafeePhDAnsari2019-09-23
Investigation of the impact of urban basin on the quality of rainwater runoffom albanin niazi khatoon AbadM.Sc.Davary2019-10-07
Determination of the concentration and classification of suspended solids in the dam reservoir using Remote SensingMohammad HadianPhDMosaedi2019-10-20
Drought monitoring and socio-economic effects in different weather regions of the countryparisa yosef khanianM.Sc.Faridhosseini2019-11-27
Developing a Collaborative Planning Framework for Strategic Water Management (Case study: Kashafrood Basin)Mohammad SalarianPhDDavary2020-01-12
تعیین سطح ریسک خشکسالی‌های هواشناسی و هیدرولوژیکی و اثر آن بر منابع آب سطحی، تحت شرایط تغییر اقلیمghazale kavakebiPhDMousavi Baygi2020-01-14
Effect of Lateral Spacing in Drip Irrigation and Amont of Water on Crop Water Productivity of WheatHadi AfsharPhDSharifan2020-01-18
Landscape Vegetation Coefficients Determination Using SEBAL Algorithm and Landsat Satellite Images (case study:mashhad)Ali MisaghiPhDAnsari2020-01-22
Determine the most appropriate indices for quantitative and qualitative monitoring of sustainable water management in Iranmahsa rahmaniPhDDavary2020-02-05
Evaluating Performance of Scalogram and Fuzzy Scalogram models in order to predicting yield in dryland farming (case study: major crops in Golestan Province)fatemeh ahmadianM.Sc.Ansari2020-02-08
Assessment Of The Effect Of Using Urban Wastewater On The Germination And Growth Seedlings Of Fruitless Trees (Case Study Of Ash And Wastewater Treatment Plant Of Mashhad)pooya parsaPhDAlizadeh2020-02-10
The effect of magnetic water and seed primers on growth parameters of bell pepper plant under deficit irrigation conditionsabbas safari zadeh saniM.Sc.Banejad2020-02-15
Investigation of Different Parameters on Feasibility of Installation of Small Scale Power Plant on Water Transmission Network LinesElaheh HeshmatiM.Sc.Khodashenas2020-02-17
Identification of the most effective periods of drought occurrence on the performance of major Rainfed crops in Golestan province‚Iran.Ali MohammadiM.Sc.Mosaedi2020-02-17
Bivariate flood frequency analysis in Sefidrood basin by using copula functionsmohammadreza rajabiM.Sc.Mosaedi2020-02-18
Estimation of Evaporative Demand Drought Index in Iran Climate Condition and Assessment of using it for Drought MonitoringAzam Arabi YazdiPhDSanaei Nejad2020-02-19
Experimental Investigation Flood Density Current Sedimentation by Permeable Obstaclesalireza jahangirPhDEsmaili2020-02-19
Improved ETLook algorithm to estimate actual evapotranspiration using remote sensing data and soil moisture monitoringmaedeh farokhiPhDAnsari2020-02-19
Hydraulic optimization of Piano Key Wiers with a change in slope and the ratio of width of the input key to out put keybijan kamaei abbasiPhDKhodashenas2020-02-19
Sabzevar crop pattern variation due to variation of climate parameters in last 50 yearsatefeh razghandiM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2020-02-19
Developing physical soil unsaturated hydraulic conductivity model by considering water vapor diffusivityArash ModaresiradPhDMosaedi2020-02-26
Investigation and estimation of Virtual water of Saffron and Pistachio in Razavi Khorasan provinceMohammad ShahvalianM.Sc.Mosaedi2020-03-02
Using Time Series and Remote Sensing Data to Predict Spatiotemporal Precipitation in IranHadi Ghafourian Ghods KameliPhDSanaei Nejad2020-03-07
Evaluation and Prediction of land use Changes Using LCM Model (Case Study: Bezangan Watershed)ahmad ansarifardM.Sc.Mosaedi2020-05-12
Investigation the effect of different irrigation levels on yield and yield components of three cultivar of Quinoamohsen kazemiM.Sc.Alizadeh2020-05-20
The Effect of Climate Change on Erosion of the Basin Using WEPP and SWAT Models (Case Study: Dehbar Basin)hamed heidaryPhDMousavi Baygi2020-06-15
Investigation of Mechanical characteristics on Core Dam Materials in Reservoir Fluctuations and Frequently Changes in Core Degree of Saturation (Case Study: Doosti Dam)AFSHIN TALEBOLELMPhDKhodashenas2020-06-15
The Impact of Unauthorized Structures on River bed on Flood, (Case Study of Faroub Roman – River- Neyshaburfahime khajueeM.Sc.Khodashenas2020-06-27
Runoff reaction assessment to land use change in riverbed (Case study on Ardak)seyedhamid mirghasemiPhDBanejad2020-09-08
Effect of Drip Irrigation and Furrow Irrigation with Different Levels of Nitrogen Fertilizer on Yield and Yield Components of Quinoamahsa heidarbeigiM.Sc.Ansari2020-09-16
Investigation of sediment trapping efficiency in Vortex Settling BasinMarziyeh DalirM.Sc.Ziaei2020-09-16
Investigating and analyzing the factors affecting agricultural water productivity in Neishabour plainzahra safayi zadeM.Sc.Ansari2020-09-21
Meteorological, hydrological and hydrogeological droughts monitoring of Kashmar and Bardsakan plain and their correlationssomaye rajabzadeM.Sc.Mosaedi2020-09-21
Sensivity analyse and simulation of flow regims for slurry pipe linesmojtaba ebrahimnezhadM.Sc.Khodashenas2020-09-21
The Effect of Magnetic Water on the growth and physiological characteristics of Spinacia oleracea under Dificit IrrigationBahareh ShahediM.Sc.Banejad2020-09-23
The effect of magnetized water at different levels of fertilizer on the growth plant of basil (ocmum basilicum L.) under deficit irrigation conditionstahirah haidariM.Sc.Banejad2020-09-23
Effect of longitudinal and side slope of flood plain on sediment erosion in compound channelatefeh arabM.Sc.Esmaili2020-09-28
A joint Analysis Of Spatio-Temporal Drought Correlation in Khorasan Razavi Province Using Copula FunctionsAli BeykiM.Sc.Mosaedi2020-09-28
A Scaled Fuzzy Model for Simulating Water Infiltration in the Soilmarzieh khoramiPhDDavary2020-09-30
An Investigation into Daily Land Surface Temperature Cycle based on MSG-SEVIRI Geostationary, Landsat &MODIS Satellites ImagesMorteza KafashPhDSanaei Nejad2020-10-13
The Effect of Urban Developments on Floodplain of Urban Stream (Case study: Zarkesh Watercourse, Mashhad, Iran)Seyyed Alireza EsmailiM.Sc.Mosaedi2020-10-21
Investigating the effects of climatic factors on added value of agriculture sector with panel data analysis (case study: Iran provinces)mona aghakhaniM.Sc.Ansari2020-10-21
Development and evaluation of improved spatial downscaling algorithms for SMAP satellite observationselaheh ghafariPhDDavary2020-10-21
Application of meteorological Variables and degree-day model in Modeling the Cydia pomonella L. -Lepidoptera: Tortricidae- phenology and predicting egg hatch in apple orchards of the Khorasan RazaviMahdi HelmijadidPhDMousavi Baygi2020-11-17
Development of an agricultural water management system by means of overland and subsurface flow modelingSeyed Mohammadreza NaghedifarPhDZiaei2020-11-22
Resilience analysis and modeling of cascading failures in water distribution systemsmansoureh AtashiPhDKhodashenas2020-11-29
Assessment of sewerage corrosion potential base on investigation H2S concentration and ORP (Case study : Sewerage collector for West Zone in mashhad city)Ehsan Azimi GhalibafPhDDavary2021-01-09
Effect of Irrigation Regimes on Crop Water Use Efficiency of of saffron (Case study Bakharz region of Khorasan Razavi, Iran)hassan mosaferiPhDAlizadeh2021-01-16
Hydrogeochemistry and numerical simulation of groundwater flow and solute transport in Neishaboor plain, Iranparisan TaheriyanPhDAnsari2021-01-18
Anallysis of water supply and consumption in Mashhad and predicting it in the future by presenting the consumption demand function (horizon of 2040)Majid ForouzeshPhDAlizadeh2021-02-17
Monitoring agricultural drought using plant indexes and remote sensing technology (case study: Fariman region)seyed Hasan HelmiM.Sc.Mosaedi2021-02-17
Field-Scale Agricultural Drought Monitoring Based on Microwave Imagery of Soil MoistureMohammad FashaeePhDSanaei Nejad2021-02-17
The effect of human activities in intensifying and damage caused by floods with a social hydrology approach (Case study: Kalat city)sarah attaranM.Sc.Mosaedi2021-03-14
The effects of heat stress and its change on damage occurence in special garden plants (Pomegranate, Barberry, Jujube and Pistachios)elham abediniPhDMousavi Baygi2021-04-28
Investigation of cloud brightness temperature for heavy rainfall in Iran using remote sensing datakhosro salariM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2021-06-08
Investigating the Effects of Land Use Change on Urban Runoff (Case Study: Part of District 9 of Mashhad Municipality)ehsan najibM.Sc.Mosaedi2021-06-14
Performance Evaluation of Detention and Infiltration Systems for Urban Stormwater Control (Case Study: A Part of Tehran Urban Catchment)Reza BadizadeganPhDKhodashenas2021-06-29
Investigation of the effect of electrokinetic process on reducing leakage from clay core of earth damsHamideh JargehM.Sc.Khodashenas2021-06-30
Prescience of Drought Intensity and Duration Under of Two Optimistic and Pesimistic Senarios for Near and Far DacadesAli TavakoliM.Sc.Alizadeh2021-07-12
Forensic study and inventory of problems concerning atmospheric data monitoring and interpreting system in Iranmohsen rahmdelPhDSanaei Nejad2021-07-17
Investigation of economic and social mechanisms affecting the choice of irrigation system by farmers in Neishabour cityMahdi MollanorooziM.Sc.Ansari2021-07-24
Understanding the coupled human-water systems in socio-hydrological modelling by developing a conceptual framework at watershed scaleshiva gholizadeh sarabiPhDDavary2021-09-11
Modeling the Infiltration and Evaporation Processes in the Presence of Cracks of Sealed Soils under Furrow IrrigationArezoo HarivandiM.Sc.Ziaei2021-09-22
Study of irrigation different methods under deficit-irrigation condition on characteristics of replacement corm and photosynthesis surface of saffron (Crocus sativus L.)amirmohammad nooriM.Sc.Banejad2021-09-25
Presenting a Conceptual Model to Investigate the Reversibility of an Urban Water System Using WaterMet2 Model (Case Study: Sari City)seyed hossein rabieM.Sc.Ziaei2021-10-10
Assessment of Climate and Land Use Changes Impact on Recharge (Case Study: Neyshabour Plain)Aida GholamiM.Sc.Ziaei2021-10-17
The effect of the period dry and wetting on shear strength of soil in dust generation (Case Study: Bazangan Lake)Mahya EskafiM.Sc.Esmaili2021-10-20
Estimat Net Infiltration and Other Soil-Water-Balance Based on Method thornthwaite - Mather With code 〖SWB〗_2 (Case study Neishabour plain)Sedigheh FasihiM.Sc.Beheshti2021-10-21
Flow Behavior Investigation inside the Vortex Settling Basinelnaz mehrabaniM.Sc.Ziaei2021-10-21
The Climate Change Effect on Crop Development, Growth and Yield under Drought Stress by Using SSM ModelSaeid ShiukhyPhDMousavi Baygi2021-11-27
Investigating the effect of using sewage sludge treatment plant as fertilizer in comparison with the applications of chemical and animal fertilizers in irrigation with water and wastewater on the quality and quantity of corn crop and its effects on soil (Case study in Alteymour Waste Water Treatmentseyed mohammad tafazzoliPhDFaridhosseini2021-12-06
Investigation of the Effect of Plain Flood Coverage on Flow Pattern in the Compound Meandering ChannelHamed ShahsavariPhDKhodashenas2021-12-14
Evaluation and Determination of Water Balance Equation Components using Coupled Groundwater_ Surface Water Model SWAT-MODFLOW in Samalghan Watershedshima nasiriPhDAnsari2021-12-21
Hydraulic characteristic of new type of cosine weir and weir-gate with developed modelssaeed salehiPhDEsmaili2022-01-12
Evaluation and Assessment of Water Resource Value Based on Fuzzy Model (case study: Mashhad Plain)behnaz hadiM.Sc.Ansari2022-01-15
Survey on the septage sewage quantitatively and qualitatively and suggesting it management solution (case study Mashhad City)Mehdi Raei NaeiM.Sc.Esmaili2022-01-26
The Impact effect of Global Warming and Urban Heat Island on The Spatio Temporal Precipitation in Mashhadhossein bondarPhDMousavi Baygi2022-01-30
composition comprehensive water security index based on composite indicatorMelika Emami torshiziM.Sc.Ansari2022-02-08
Analysis of different scenarios for water allocation from a dam using game theory and selecting the optimal strategy (Case study: amir kabir dam)Mohammad NourollahiPhDZiaei2022-02-14
Investigation of the incipient entrainment and transport dynamics of coarse bed material in turbulent riversHamed FarhadiPhDEsmaili2022-02-16
Analysis and evaluating water productivity of low pressure surface irrigation systems (casestudy: Sabzevar)hamidreza tavakkoli sabzevarM.Sc.Ansari2022-02-19
Global resilience analysis in an urban sewer networkbehnaz kamaliPhDZiaei2022-02-23
flood modeling from runoff estimation using rainfall simulation by satellite soil moisture dataSaeideh Pour Entezari M.Sc.Esmaili2022-03-07
Modifying Stage-Discharge Relationship in Unsteady Flow Condition using Numerical Modelingamirfarbod abdolvandiPhDZiaei2022-03-09
Assessment of Drought Conditions and their Trends Based on Standardized Palmer Drought Index (SPDI) over Different Climatic Regions of IranMorteza ZarabiM.Sc.Mosaedi2022-03-09
Comparison of flood prediction by using one-dimensional and two-dimensional hydraulic models, HEC-RAS (Case Study: Shandiz River and Kashafrod River)Fatemeh AzarakhshM.Sc.Faridhosseini2022-03-09
Investigating the efficiency of drone images to produce digital surface models using Pix4d software (case study : Darbehesht)Fateme Salehi shakourM.Sc.Faridhosseini2022-03-12
The effect of integrated management of shared water resources in border plains in order to determine the rate of safe and sustainable harvesting (Case study of Sarakhs Plain)Shahram EsmailzadehPhDEsmaili2022-03-13
The Use of Integration of Remote Sensing and AquaCrop-GIS for Estimating Product Performance (Case Study: Neyshabour Basin)seyed farshid mousavizadehPhDAnsari2022-05-16
Optimization of groundwater quality monitoring network using evolutionary algorithms (Study area Neyshabur plain)mohammad hasan moayyedianM.Sc.Beheshti2022-08-16
Optimal design and arrangement of urban water network using modern software toolsreyhaneh sadat ebrahimiM.Sc.Ziaei2022-08-17
Evaluation of the effect of simultaneous installation of two spoilers and pipe weight on scouring under horizontal transmission linesNima Sadeghi NamaghiM.Sc.Khodashenas2022-08-23
Real-time hydraulic analysis of water distribution network and the effect on crisis scenariosseyedjavad seyedalhoseyniM.Sc.Faridhosseini2022-09-04
Assessment of the climate change effects on the precipitation and temperature extremes based on the output of the coupled models phase6 (CMIP6) in Khorasan Razavi ProvinceSANAZ CHAMANEHFARM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2022-09-11
The effect of changes in the intensity and amount of sunlight on the performance of radish plants (Iranian and foreign )mohmmad javad naseriM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2022-09-22
Investigating the effect of magnetic field on fertigation of tomato plant (Viking)abbas khalesianM.Sc.Banejad2022-09-22
Determining the economic level of leakage in the water distribution network covered by zone D of Birjand cityNavid GholampoorM.Sc.Ansari2022-09-26
Determining the optimal planting time of Sirvan wheat with AquaCrop model in Birjand cityPooya MohammadiM.Sc.Ansari2022-09-28
Prediction of underground water level using feedforward group method of data Handling networksamir abbas jahan araPhDKhodashenas2022-10-09
Quantitative and economic evaluation of low-impact development methods (LID) in urban flood control (Case study of districts 10 and 11 of Mashhad)Hamed Zahedi KhamenehPhDKhodashenas2022-10-19
Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Probable Maximum Precipitation in Some Climate Regions of IranZahra Afzali GorouhPhDFaridhosseini2022-11-16
Investigating Water Productivity under Water Stress and Salinity Stress Sodium Chloride in Mentha piperita L in the presence of Seleniumvahid shamsabadiPhDBanejad2022-11-22
Management the spread of contaminant in a water distribution systemleila chavoshanM.Sc.Ziaei2022-12-20
Prediction of early autmn and late spring frosts using statistical model analysis in the study area of North Khorasan provinceSomayeh JafarpoorM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2022-12-26
Uncertainty Analysis of Leaching Requirement Estimation Models for Using Marginal Quality Waters as Irrigation WaterFarzam MoghbelPhDMosaedi2023-02-06
Evaluation of the effects of climate change on snow masses and surface runoff (Case study: Kardeh basin)Reza Shahraki mojahedPhDAlizadeh2023-02-19
Investigating the use of PERSIANN-CDR satellite data in improving of downscaling general circulation models in order to predict precipitation in the upcoming period of Khorasan Razavifaezeh nikzatM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2023-02-19
Optimization of groundwater quantitative monitoring network using evolutionary algorithms, a case study of Neishabour plainseyed mohammad lahootiM.Sc.Beheshti2023-02-19
Determination of Total Maximum Daily Load and the Allocation of Pollution Load Based on QUAL2KW Model (Case Study: Panjab to Haraz dam)Shamim LarijaniPhDBanejad2023-02-19
Experimental Study of Sediment Transfer (Bedload) Affected by Flash-Floods in Meandering Rivers with Compound SectionSOBHAN MORADIPhDEsmaili2023-02-19
Real-time Calibration of demand pattern and Hazen-Williams coefficient in water distribution networksFatemeh AttarzadehPhDZiaei2023-02-19
Develop an appropriate model for resilience of water supply systems using EPA experiencesMohammad TalatiM.Sc.Khodashenas2023-06-24
Risk Assessment of Stormwater Drainage Systems in Small Catchments Considering Hydraulic and Hydrologic Uncertainties.Siamak Rezazadeh BaghalPhDKhodashenas2023-08-29
A model for River deformation using bed shear stressArmin BoostaniPhDKhodashenas2023-09-20
Enhancing QDWB balance model by utilizing optimization and implementation of Budyko frameworkMahdi MohammadnezhadM.Sc.Davary2023-09-20
Estimating Actual Evapotranspiration Using Vegetation Indices and Machine Learning AlgorithmsParvin Moradi AndarziM.Sc.Davary2023-09-20
Developing a mathematical relationship to quantify the precipitation effect on aquifer renewability (using Budyko framework)Mohammad Javad RezvanpourM.Sc.Davary2023-09-20
Evaluation of changes in droughts under the effect of climate change until the end of the current century (case study: Mashhad and Gorgan)seyedbehzad hoseiniM.Sc.Davary2023-09-21
Assessment of Two Source Energy Balance model (TSEB) for evapotranspiration partitioning to soil evaporation and crop transpiration in farm scaleMosayeb MoqbeliPhDSanaei Nejad2023-09-21
Evaluation of the efficiency of bipolar ionization method on reducing the level of wastewater pollution (industrial) for use in agricultural or industrial applicationsseyyed salman shakhs emampourM.Sc.Esmaili2023-09-21
Analysis of the trend of precipitation, temperature and evapotranspiration time series in different regions of the country during the period from 1961 to 2020Ali RezaeeM.Sc.Mosaedi2023-09-21
Investigation the effect of different irrigation methods on sugar beet yield under water stress and its simulation using AquaCrop vegetation modelMohammad fathabadiM.Sc.Banejad2023-09-21
Evaluation of water productivity in Saffron by field measurement and plant modeling, case study: Agriculture college farmAmir AkbariM.Sc.Ziaei2023-10-25
Implementation of irrigation scheduling strategy using in-season approach and crop modeling. Case study: Maize field of Faculty of AgricultureMahdi Gholami SharafkhaneM.Sc.Ziaei2023-10-25
Field irrigation scheduling using field experiments, crop modeling and remote sensingforough fazelPhDAnsari2023-11-06
Experimental Study of the effect of the bed sediments grain size distribution on hydraulic of suspended sediments transferMilad Khastar BorujeniPhDKhodashenas2023-11-07
Study of water productivity and energy consumption in high density apple orchardMAHDI SELAHVARZIPhDAnsari2024-02-07
Investigation of the effect of rainfall trend on the quality and quantity of raw wastewater entering the wastewater treatment plant (Case study: KhinArab wastewater treatment plant)Mohammadreza SadeghiM.Sc.Khodashenas2024-02-19
Optimal water allocation and delivery scheduling in the irrigation network based on crop modeling and network hydraulicsparisa kahkhamoghadamPhDZiaei2024-02-19
Groundwater quality monitoring design (plain of neyshabur)Ali Sari MotlaghM.Sc.Davary2024-02-19
assessment of the Spatial Potential for Production of Some Major Agricultural Products in IranMaedeh SoltanisistaniM.Sc.Ansari2024-02-24
Assessment of rate of carbon dioxide emission of soils affected by urban Wastewater and its role on the quality of sweet green pepperHossein Bahari PanbecholeM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2024-03-02
Flood Governance Approach for Flood Control Structure Design based on Robust Optimization ModelMaedeh OskouhiPhDEsmaili2024-03-10
the effect of climate change on chilling requirement and pistachio phonological stagesmaryam salajegheh tazerjiPhDMousavi Baygi2024-05-08
Evaluation and calibration of short-term rainfall data of TRMM, GPM and PERSIANN and ERA5 databases with ground stations and its modeling using artificial intelligence methods in Razavi Khorasan province.Majid Rajabi JagharghPhDMousavi Baygi2024-05-18
Investigating changes and origin of underground water salinity in recent years A case study of Mehvelat PlainAtena RamezanpourM.Sc.Banejad2024-06-22
Optimization of Cropping Pattern for Groundwater Resources Management in Arak PlainAlireza TavousiM.Sc.Ansari2024-06-24
Assessment of the best management practices for stormwater (case study: Chahar-Cheshme River basin in Mashhad city)Amirmohammad DaneshM.Sc.Mosaedi2024-06-30
Examination and Analysis of the Environmental Effects of Water Structures Built in Khorasan Province: A Case Study of Farrokhi, Golool, and Ghare Tikan DamsMelika Farhadi NasabM.Sc.Banejad2024-09-16
Use of Random Forest for assessment of groundwater Nitrate vulnerability in Mashhad plain based on DRASTIC-LSeyed Mohammad AlavizadeM.Sc.Banejad2024-09-17
Improvement of the accuracy of streamflow forecasting based on a hybrid modeling using data preprocessing techniquesAtefe Kazemi ChoolanakM.Sc.Modaresi2024-09-17
Evaluation of water productivity of agricultural products under changes in limit parameters due to climate change using AquaCrop model-Case study of wheat, corn, sugar beetMarjan GhoochanianPhDAnsari2024-09-18
Investigating the effect of releasing Arefi River sides on the amount of flood-affected lands in different return periodsKowsar KalatehM.Sc.Mosaedi2024-09-18
Investigating environmental, economic and social indicators affecting the selection of irrigation methods (case study: Miami Plain, Semnan Province).Ali NoroziM.Sc.Banejad2024-09-24
Developmant of a nonlinear Muskingham model and estimation of its optimal parameters in flood routing based on a Hybrid of Meta-heuristic algorithmssaeid khalifehPhDEsmaili2024-09-24
Prediction of urban flood using artificial intelligence -Case study: North of Tehran-.Atiyeh BahreiniM.Sc.Khodashenas2024-09-25
Examining Resilience Patterns Against Water Scarcity in the Mashhad Plain BasinAli GhaderyM.Sc.Davary2024-09-29
Flood zoning by using geomorphologic indicators of the basin (Case study: Kashafroud basin)Ghasem PanahiPhDKhodashenas2024-10-01
Opportunities and Limitations of Adaptation to Saline Water in Agriculture (A Case Study of Feyzabad County)Saeed TaheriM.Sc.Davary2024-10-01
Experimental Modeling of Bed-load Sediment Transport and Bed Morphology Changes under Sequence of Flash Floods in Ephemeral StreamsZahra AskariPhDEsmaili2024-10-01
Investigation of the effect of using Pistachio Hull Waste on the adsorption performance of heavy metals in sand filtration (case study of Babol River)hoda ganji daronkolaPhDKhodashenas2024-10-19
irrigation management optimization with emphasis on crop rotation and price fluctuationsMohammad Ali BoushPhDDavary2024-11-05
Evaluation of groundwater management process from the sustainable yield and drought resilience perspectiveHashem DerakhshanPhDDavary2024-12-31
Feasibility of using urban flood's potential for the green space of Ferdowsi University of MashhadSaeed AfrasiyabiM.Sc.Khodashenas2025-01-06