Thesis Title Student Section Supervisor Defined date of defense
Section Supervisor
Assessment of climate change impact on potato production in khorasansamane mazaheriM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2010-12-04
Assessing the Effect of Combined Salinity and Drought Stresses on Tomato Yield in Soilless Cultureahad faalianP.H.D.Ansari2011-12-31
Using GMS to simulate the groundwater flow in an Urban region (Case Study: Bojnord)zobeyde jafariM.Sc.Ansari2012-01-28
Experimental study of local scour at complex pier groups with sill in unsteady flowbehzad mehraraM.Sc.Esmaili2013-09-28
Assessing the fluctuation of hydrological and meteorological drought severity and duration due to climate change and its effect on water balance componentSamira AzadiP.H.D.Ansari2014-01-11
Modeling water resources allocation via linkage of WEAP and MODFLOW models for Bojnourd basinALI SABETIFARDM.Sc.Davary2014-06-14
Effectiveness of check dams in sediment control and changing channel morphology under Controlled conditionsmostafa esmaeilyM.Sc.Mosaedi2014-05-26
Qualitative and quantitative analysis of drinking water supply of Mashhad with consideration of uncertainties.seyedalireza tabatabaeeP.H.D.Davary2014-09-13
Comparing the effect of Deficit Irrigation, Partial root-zone Irrigation and Full Irrigation on yield of maize with different levels of nitrogenrasool pordel nowghabiM.Sc.Ansari2015-01-03
Assessment of climate change and impacts on production and trade virtual water pistachio (Case Study: Kerman and khorasan razavi province)Abolfazl Gholamhossein pourjafari nejadP.H.D.Alizadeh2014-12-24
Assessment and comparison the effect of day and night irrigation on water use efficiency and yield of eggplantjafar roozbeh nasiraeiP.H.D.Ansari2015-02-02
ٍEvaluation of dams operations’ and the possibility of operations’ performance enhancement; case study on Kardeh, Shahid Ya’ghoobi and Tabarak dams in Khorassan Razavi Province.Aliye ArefiM.Sc.Davary2015-09-06
Effect of irrigation water management scenarios(water deficit – fertigation) on spatial-temporal variability of water- potassium,root growth and plant water relationships of wheat (case study-border irrigationGholamali keikhaP.H.D.Ansari2014-06-23
: Flood hazard assessment using remote sensing and Fuzzy-AHP modeling: A case study of Zoshk riverhomeyra shamkoueyanP.H.D.Davary2016-05-09
Study the possibility of increasing water use efficiency and forage quality through inter cropping of forage maiz and sorghumSeyed gholamreza Nabavi nameghiP.H.D.Sanaei Nejad2015-10-27
Prediction of Crop Yield and Productivity under Uncertainty Based on Fuzzy Rule-Based System (FRBS) (Case Study: Corn)HOURYEH MORDIP.H.D.Ansari2016-12-20
Groundwater Recharge Estimation Using Various Methods and Making Comparison Their Results, Case Study: ” Samalqan Plain”khadije mir arabiM.Sc.Ziaei2017-02-25
Determination of suitable areas for cultivation of pistachio by using climatic parameters (Case study: Farahan plain)mohammad reza farajiM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2017-03-04
Simulation of Iran southwest future climate, using CMIP5 models and its impact on Climatological Extereme IndicesHassan SalehiP.H.D.Sanaei Nejad2017-03-04
Exploring the possibility estimate maize production using satellite data and imulation models compared to field measurementsSamira Amini bazyaniP.H.D.Alizadeh2017-03-01
study of inlet groundwater flow to amir-abad ghanat with numerical modeling in shirvan aquiferAbdolhamid oghazianM.Sc.Ziaei2017-07-01
Evaluation of Nano material effects on shear strength of earth dam coating in over flow conditionIsmaeil kahkeshP.H.D.Esmaili2017-06-20
Monitoring and estimating runoff and sediment using SWAT model and its prediction using GCM models in northeast areas of the countrymahsa kamel fardM.Sc.Esmaili2017-12-23
Optimal allocation of resources with water-energy-food Nexus approachShakiba MirzaieP.H.D.Mosaedi2018-01-10
Evaluation of groundwater resources using GRACE Satellite Gravimetric Data (Case study: Khorasan Razavi)SEYED NAVID NABAVIM.Sc.Alizadeh2018-06-23
Experimental and numerical investigation of Flow Hydrodynamic in meandering compound channelsV MortazaviP.H.D.Esmaili2018-05-15
Effect of Model Scale on Validation of Results from Hydraulic Performance of Sharp Rectangular Lateral in Irrigation Networksali parmudeM.Sc.Esmaili2018-10-13
Estimation the Amount of Programmable Water and It’s Change in the Northeast of Iranmahsima sedagthat nejadP.H.D.Mosaedi2018-12-01
The relationship between urban heat island and land use, land cover and surface temperature using remote sensing; Case study of Mashhad cityHouriyeh Tashakkori SabbaghM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2018-12-29
Estimate the value of probable maximum drought (PMD)nasibe sedaghatM.Sc.Davary2019-01-07
Three-dimensional Panel data modeling in order to achieve the relationships between weather variables of Selected synoptic stations of Iran.Vajiheh Mohammadi SabetP.H.D.Mousavi Baygi2019-06-24
Effect of global warming on the behavior of extreme events of precipitation and temperature in order to identify the appropriate climatic areas of Saffron cultivation in northeastern IranJamile GholipourP.H.D.Mousavi Baygi2019-01-15
Ensembling Triangle algorithms and Simple-Surface Energy Balance Index-S-SEBI- by using of Bayesian model averaging for Evapotranspiration EstimationMozhdeh salimi fardP.H.D.Sanaei Nejad2019-01-29
Investigation of water allocation mechanisms in Iran and other countries and evaluation of appropriate tools and methods for IranParvin RajabZadeh BorjiM.Sc.Davary2019-02-02
Developing an Applied Framework for Water Allocation Based on AssessmentEbrahim Esmaeili NezhadM.Sc.Davary2019-06-01
Study of the water allocation procedure and suggesting essential revisions in basins- case study: Chenaran- Mashhad plainmohammad rashidiP.H.D.Davary2019-07-20
Development if an ensemble prediction system using WRF over west of IranSeyed mahmoud khansariP.H.D.Sanaei Nejad2019-09-21
Prioritizing the flood Nutrition Zone in Arid Areas -Case study of Ivar area in North Khorasan-morteza naseriM.Sc.Esmaili2018-10-13
Development a Drought Regional- Hydrological IndexDonya MasoumiM.Sc.Davary2019-12-14
Investigating the effect of Economic, Social, and Environmental variable on Water Security using Agent-based Modeling -case study: Fars province-Saber JamaliP.H.D.Ansari2019-12-28
developing a maintenance management model for water distribution networks based on reliabilitysayyed ali khatami nejadP.H.D.Davary2019-07-27
Detection of Climate Change during last half century in different regions of IranMaryam NazariP.H.D.Mosaedi2019-10-06
Quantifying the Impacts of Climate Change and Land Use Change on Flow Discharge Ratenafiseh rajabiM.Sc.Mosaedi2019-07-13
Developing a Model for Designing of Pressure water Networks in Demand-Based Water Distribution Conditionsseyedeh zahra nabaviM.Sc.Davary2019-12-14
Conceptual Modelling of Mashhad alluvial aquifer with focusing on aquifer geometrykhalil alrahman pishghadamM.Sc.Ziaei2018-09-29
Evaluating the social and economic conditions and their consequent crises caused by climate change in eastern Iranmajid morabbayanP.H.D.Mousavi Baygi2021-02-16
Experimental study effect of groynes on flow hydrodynamic in compounded meandering channelHOSNA SHAFAEIP.H.D.Esmaili2021-02-23
Use of the UV radiation, Plasma Discharge and Ozone to Enhance the Quality of Wastewater , Agricultural ConsumptionMohammad shiraniP.H.D.Esmaili2021-03-03
: Study of temporal _ spatial changes of daily rainfall distribution and their intensity and amount in Razavi Khorasan, North Khorasan and South Khorasan in during the last 4 decadesFatemeh Zahra Azin MoghaddamM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2021-05-15
Application of Plant Model Approach, Satellite Remote Sensing and SSP Scenarios in Predicting Potential Yield of Wheat and Forage Maize -Case Study: Northeast of Iran-Arash RazbanP.H.D.Mousavi Baygi2021-11-24
Study of river infiltration models investigation for application in the urban flood modelsZahra Asgari TorghabehM.Sc.Khodashenas2021-09-11
Feasibility study of levee location using satellite imagesMohammadhadi KhorshidiM.Sc.Esmaili2022-01-29
Drought Class Transition Analysis with Considering Spatial Effects for Different Regions of Iran by Using Markov ChainFereshte AttarM.Sc.Mosaedi2022-01-15
Modeling of subsurface infiltration in ephemeral rivers -dry rivers- using HYDRAUSSahar SabbaghM.Sc.Beheshti2022-04-30
Assessment of agricultural droughts for basic and future courses using SWAT model considering the uncertainty of AOGCM modelsmahdiyeh poornamdariP.H.D.Sanaei Nejad2019-08-03
Investigating the possibility of using modern decision-making methods -ANP and AHP- in determining suitable places for wheat cultivation -case study of South Khorasan province-Meysam KafshiM.Sc.Mousavi Baygi2022-08-21
Analysis of the effects of climate change on the salinity of groundwater sources and agricultural soils in Fars province using CMIP6 models in the coming decadesAli AsadiP.H.D.Sanaei Nejad2022-11-01
Decision modeling for video-metering and washing the pipes of the sewage network in prioritySousan AbediniM.Sc.Davary2024-03-09
Evaluating the water use efficiency and crop yield in vertical cylinder, soilless and hydroponics cultivationmahdi HosseinzadehP.H.D.Ansari2023-02-28
Investigating the performance of the anti-hail device on the gardens and agricultural fields in Khorasan Razavi provinceMohammad MohseniM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2023-05-13
Evaluation of the sustainability of urban water supply and distribution systems: a case study of Targaba and Shandiz citiesYadollah Afshar ShandizM.Sc.Beheshti2023-05-13
Providing a combined agricultural drought index based on meteorological drought indices and remote sensing indices.saeedeh zahmatiP.H.D.Mosaedi2023-02-12
Optimization of nitrate application and nitrogen absorption in potato cultivation under fertigation managementEnsiye Shamsi TavasaniP.H.D.Davary2023-07-08
Development of a Framework for Assessing the Relative Risk of crop production considering water Productivity -Case study: Wheat in Astan Quds agricultural fields-Masoumeh MetanatP.H.D.Banejad2022-10-31
Investigation on the impact of riparian and river bed violations on the flood zone -case study: downstream of the Karde river-Faezeh TavakkoliM.Sc.Mosaedi2023-05-27
Study on water productivity in tape irrigation in a wheat farm with crop modeling and field measurements -case study: Khorasan Razavi agricultural and natural resources research center -Sina NowroozianM.Sc.Ziaei2024-03-02
Modeling pollution transport in the Kashfrood River by considering the effect of flow geometric and hydraulic parameters on dispersion coefficient using machine learning algorithms........................................................................................................................Rezvan SalajeghehP.H.D.Khodashenas2023-09-20
Developing a model to increase the climate resilience of urban water distribution systems using EPA experiencesFarbod Papoli YazdiM.Sc.Khodashenas2023-12-02
Prediction of SPEI and SPI drought indices using time delay neural networks in different climatic conditionsIman Sardarian BajgiranM.Sc.Modaresi2023-09-23
Improving the performance of AquaCrop model using remote sensing-based data assimilation coupled with in-situ measurement of soil moisture and wheat organsAbbas SafarizadehsaniP.H.D.Banejad2024-01-28
Developing an approach to improve the countrys food security based on programmable water quantitiesMohammad HosseiniM.Sc.Davary2024-01-27
Investigating the effect of combining data mining methods and artificial neural network in increasing the accuracy of modeling rainfall-runoff process in different time scales.Seyyed Ghani JavadiM.Sc.Mosaedi2024-04-24
Evaluation and analysis of erosion and sedimentation of basins leading to Miankale lagoonSeyed Jafar MirzadehM.Sc.Esmaili2024-06-08
Projection of precipitation under climate change conditions in the Kardeh basin using a combination of precipitation databases and CMIP6 climate models.Faeze AzimiM.Sc.Modaresi2024-04-24
Conducting studies and checking the conditions of the Zahedan water distribution network in order to convert the salt water network to fresh waterHaniyeh KianiM.Sc.Beheshti2024-10-20
Interaction Effect of Irrigation Depth and Plastic Mulch on Tomato YieldRasuol MohammadpuorM.Sc.Ansari2024-04-24
Modeling of Potential Evapotranspiration in Diverse Climates of Iran Using Minimal Meteorological Data and Genetic Programming modelSajjad Babaei AshkzaryM.Sc.Modaresi2024-06-29
Evaluation of embankment dam and flood caused by failure using numerical simulation models -case study: Taj Amir Dam-Mahdi SohrabiM.Sc.Esmaili2024-04-24
Modeling of Unsaturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Soil Under Conditions of Non-Conventional Water Use and Different Soil TexturesAhmad PezeshkP.H.D.Ansari2024-09-01
Evaluating the effectiveness of Grassland production from Drought using Remote Sensing -Case study: Tandoreh National Park-Maedeh RamezanpourM.Sc.Mosaedi2023-06-17
Designing an Urban Stormwater Management Network Considering Urban Development and Implementing Low-Impact Development Methods in Shokufe district of Torghabeh city.Aghile Hakimi M.Sc.Mosaedi2024-09-14
Experimental investigation on mechanism of free surface vortex formation at vertical intakeshamid ahaniP.H.D.Khodashenas2024-07-01
Monitoring and trending changes in snow cover level using the reanalyzed era5 dataReza SadeghianM.Sc.Ansari2024-09-14
Development of a groundwater flow model using physics-informed deep neural networkAmirhossein Karimi Khalil AbadM.Sc.Mosaedi2024-09-14
Development of a method to estimate the probability of severe and long-term droughtsHosein JahangiriM.Sc.Davary2024-10-12
Evaluating the role of urban green spaces in mitigating the urban heat island in MashhadMohadese ArabM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2024-10-12
: Synoptic analysis of the relationship between extreme cold periods and the behavior of the Polar Jet and its effect on the Saffron yield in Razavi Khorasan province.Khosro SalariP.H.D.Sanaei Nejad2024-10-23
Investigation of Insurance Role in Flood ManagementZahra ZareeiM.Sc.Davary2024-10-12
Agricultural drought monitoring with remote sensing data and their combination in Google Earth Engine -Case study: South Khorasan province- Boshrooyeh county-Sajjad AshianM.Sc.Sanaei Nejad2025-02-08
Investigating the interaction effects of saline water and soil on the growth and development of common species in the landscape.Mohamed Moein FoladkarM.Sc.Ansari2025-02-08