Thesis Title | Student | Section | Supervisor | Defined date of defense |
Section | Supervisor | |||
Morphological and physiological responses of Ornamental Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) to Potassium Chloride, Nano Potassium Chelate and Putrescine treatment under drought conditions | maryam kahrobaiyan | P.H.D. | Nemati | 2013-06-26 |
The effect of plant spacing and pinching on growth, development, yield and active substances of Mexican marigold (Tagetes minuta L.) | sirvan abnous | M.Sc. | Moghaddam | 2013-11-19 |
Effect of chemical thinning (NAA and SEVIN ) To prevent fruit in acer sp and Ailanthus altissima | mohsen shamshiri rezvani | M.Sc. | Shoor | 2014-01-28 |
Qualitative and quantitative traits of medicinal pumpkin oil by different extraction conditions and methods using GC and spectroscopy | morteza eslami bandeh gharai | M.Sc. | Azizi | 2014-01-28 |
Effect of Different Levels of Fertilizer Nano_Fe Chelates & Nano_Mn Chelates & Nano_ Zn Chelates on Growth and Yield Characteristics Ocimum Baslicum | Nasrin Panahandeh | M.Sc. | Arouiee | 2014-03-04 |
Study of Enzymatic, Physiological and Senecence Process of rosa Treated with Salicylic acid and Spermidine | reza nematolah sani | P.H.D. | Nemati | 2015-06-01 |
Transferring of human aFGF gene into lettuce using agrobacterium | Raheleh Khatibzadeh | P.H.D. | Azizi | 2014-12-09 |
Investigating the effect of growing media and nano- and chemical fertilizers on seedling establishment and performance of purple coneflower (Echinacea sp.) | Fateme Heravi | M.Sc. | Kazemi | 2016-01-19 |
Investigation of Drought and salinity tolerance in several Pomegranate cultivars and Evaluation of two Silica source Effect on drought and salinity tolerance and Selection of the most resistant Pomegranate cultivar In Kashmar zone | mohammad rajab zadeh | P.H.D. | Abedi | 2016-12-12 |
Evalution of chemical and molecular changes during cold stress in punica granatum as well as the feasibility of achieving pomegranate cold resistant cultivar | elham ardakani | P.H.D. | Davarynejad | 2017-09-18 |
Evaluation of the effect of Paclobutrazol morphological and physiological characteristics of Alstroemeria ( Alstroemeria hybrid L) | Mohammad Saeid Movahedi Roudi | M.Sc. | Tehranifar | 2018-09-01 |
Evaluation of Stress Tolerance of Different Chromium and salinity Levels in three Rose Varieties (Rosa sp) for use in urban green space | masoumeh rahimi | P.H.D. | Shoor | 2018-09-05 |
An investigation into the effective factors in the spring frostbite of almond | Ali Kasraeian | P.H.D. | Tehranifar | 2018-10-08 |
Investigating the effect of salicylic acid and poliamin on some physiological and biochemical indices of walnut and pecan seedlings under salinity and drought stress | mehdi javaheri | P.H.D. | Davarynejad | 2018-10-02 |
Investigation the environmental polluters uptake and consequent biochemical variations in some of landscape plant species in Mashhad | Seyed Mohamad Ahmadi Hosseini | P.H.D. | Shoor | 2018-12-16 |
The Effect of some Metal Oxide Nanoparticles and Plant Extracts on Control of Fungal Rots and Storage Life of Grape Fruit -Cv. Shahroodi- | Fahimeh Feyzi Laeen | P.H.D. | Abedi | 2019-07-14 |
Influence of organic and organic fertilizers on weight gain and yield of saffron rhizogel corms and reduction of crop wast | MAHSHID BAGHERZADEH | M.Sc. | Abedi | 2019-12-31 |
Selection of superior watermelon genotypes from some cultivars and landraces | KAZEM HOKMABADI | P.H.D. | Nemati | 2020-03-04 |
Investigation of the effect of light intensity and nitrogen fertilizer on growth development and active ingredients of lemon balm | Ahmad Muhammad Abadi | M.Sc. | Azizi | 2019-10-01 |
Evaluation of the effect application of Origanum vulgar essential oil and Plantago psyllium mucilage as a nanoemulsion on inhibiting the growth of post-harvest fungi and maintaining the quality, quantity and increasing storage of tomato fruit | Somaye Beigi | P.H.D. | Arouiee | 2020-11-04 |
Saffron soil remediation by Application of Zeolite and Active carbon and their effects on quantitative and qualitative characteristic of saffron and replacement cultivation | Mahdi Alipour | P.H.D. | Azizi | 2020-11-10 |
Investigation of time and amount of application of nitrate and ammonium fertilizers in nitrate accumulation as well as quantitative and qualitative characteristics of two cultivars of green and purple basil | HEKMATULLAH HEKMAT | M.Sc. | Nemati | 2021-03-02 |
The effect of some biological and non-biological elicitors on the amount of active substances in tanacetum partenium in vitro situation | Somaye Sadeghi Fard | P.H.D. | Azizi | 2021-02-02 |
The study on the adaptability, the effect of fertilizers (Micro and Macro element) and stress modulator on Growth, Development and secondary metabolites of Pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium) | mohammadsadegh sadeghi | P.H.D. | Azizi | 2021-02-02 |
Evaluation of genetic diversity and drought tolerance in different ecotypes of spearmint -Mentha spicata L.- | ghader rostami tobnag | P.H.D. | Moghaddam | 2021-02-06 |
Screening of dehydration-resistant genetic resources in Salvia spp. by using tolerance indices and morphophysiological, biochemical and phytochemical traits | sepideh mojarab myone | P.H.D. | Moghaddam | 2021-03-10 |
Evaluation and selection of different ecotypes for enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidant activity of medicinal plant (Mentha longifolia L.) in response to salinity stress. | Hayder Aljazea | P.H.D. | Abedi | 2021-07-27 |
Investigation of the interaction of plants and microorganisms -cyanobacteria and mycorrhizae- in the structure of green walls for gray wastewater treatment | Atefeh Zarei | M.Sc. | Karimian | 2021-09-06 |
Application of biofertilizers and free amino acids on nitrate accumulation and some morphophysiological properties of lettuce -Lactuca sativa L.- under fed with different levels of urea and ammonium nitrate fertilizers. | Ramin Koohi Noghondar | M.Sc. | Arouiee | 2021-12-07 |
Assessment of Genetic Diversity of Part of the Promising Germplasm of Iranian Native Medicinal Cannabis | Mehdi Babaei | P.H.D. | Nemati | 2022-05-07 |
Development and optimization of cannabis -Cannabis sativa L.- in-vitro conditions with the aim of application in speed breeding | Ladan Ajdanian | P.H.D. | Arouiee | 2022-06-13 |
The effect of CeO2 and ZnO nano elicitors on some biochemical and morpho-physiological responses in Nepeta spp under drought stress | Fatemehzahra Amirmohammadi | P.H.D. | Tehranifar | 2022-07-26 |
Evaluation of the effect of ultraviolet and Microwave radiation on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of strowberry during storage | Javad niyazzadeh | M.Sc. | Abedi | 2022-12-06 |
Preparation and production of nanocapsules of Aloe vera L. gel containing the essential oil of Bunium persicum L. and investigating its effect on the control of sprouting of potato tubers | Elmira Afshar Moeini | M.Sc. | Arouiee | 2022-11-29 |
Transferring and expression of recombinant human acid fibroblast growth factor protein -FGF1- in cucumber -Cucumis sativus L.- | Ali Emrani | P.H.D. | Selahvarzi | 2022-12-05 |
: Investigating the effect of growth regulators, day length and nutrient supplements on the yiels and ative substance -L-Dopa- extrtaction and purification of medicinal plant Mucuna pruriens L. | Elahe Ghafourian | P.H.D. | Azizi | 2023-01-11 |
Evaluation of inter- and intra-species hybridization of four species of Thymus to improve vegetative and essential oil traits | Mansoureh Nazari | P.H.D. | Azizi | 2023-03-06 |
The effect of different drying methods on appearance attributes and secondary metabolites of Hypericum perforatum | Reyhane Sadat Alavinejad | M.Sc. | Azizi | 2023-01-10 |
Extraction and formulation of aromatic compounds from medicinal plants to produce air fresheners and insect repellent using nanotechnology | Sara Mosharmovahhed | M.Sc. | Azizi | 2023-01-10 |
Study the effect of inoculation of different types of Phosphate Solubilizing bacteria and foliar application L- Phenylalanine on morphological, biochemical characteristics and secendry metabolite of sage -Salvia officinalis L.- | Sara Farsaraei | P.H.D. | Moghaddam | 2023-03-13 |
The effect of enriched compounds of zinc, iron, potassium silicate and amino acids on the germination and production of marigold seedlings under salinity stress conditions | Fatemeh Chanaani | M.Sc. | Arouiee | 2023-05-02 |
An investigating the relationship between leaf dust retention capacity and the morphophysiological characteristics of plants leave in the green space of the industrial area (a case study of Khorasan Steel Complex) | Hassan Mokhtari Seghaleh | M.Sc. | Abedi | 2023-04-11 |
Investigating the effect of different treatments on breaking seed dormancy and improving germination characteristics in the seeds of golden rain, bitter olive and silk nightshade plants. | Fateme Omrani | M.Sc. | Nemati | 2023-09-26 |
The effect of Calcium nitrate and foliar application of Sea weed on growth rate and lignification in pistachio seedling -pistachia vera cv: Badami Sefid | Mostafa Bashi Abdol Abadi | M.Sc. | Selahvarzi | 2023-08-29 |
The effect of different levels of gibberellin -GA3- and benzyl adenine -BA- and chilling on the germination of two population -Koohsarakh and Tabas- of Asafoetida -Ferula assa-foetida-. | Sajjad Rafati | M.Sc. | Azizi | 2023-10-10 |
Examining the role of green buildings and vertical farms in urban branding | Azam Ramesh | M.Sc. | Shoor | 2023-10-10 |
1The effect of enriching compost with organic materials (slag and sugar beet molasses) and mineral compounds (oxygraphene and selenium) on improving the yield and quality of the medicinal mushroom Ganoderma lucidum | Zahrasadat Mirshojaeian Hosseini | M.Sc. | Azizi | 2023-10-10 |
Comparison of Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Qualitative Characteristics of Lycopersicon esculentum in Soil and Hydroponic Cultivation Systems | Atefeh Naeemi | M.Sc. | Selahvarzi | 2023-12-26 |
Assessment of people\\\'s preferences on planting combination in urban linear green spaces in line with sustainable development in Rasht city | Mojtaba Shakhes Gourabzarmakhi | M.Sc. | Tehranifar | 2023-12-26 |
Investigating the effect of nano-titanium dioxide on some morphophysiological characteristics, and essential oil content of holy basil (Ocimum sanctum) and Italian basil (Ocimum basilicum cv. Genovese) under salinity stress | Mostafa Rasti | M.Sc. | Moghaddam | 2023-10-10 |
The reaction of CBF4 to spermidine treatment in grape cultivars under drought stress | Razieh Esfandiari Ghalati | P.H.D. | Abedi | 2023-12-26 |
Offering a theoretical framework to estimate favorable green space per capita based on fuzzy logic | Ali Jalili Ghassour | M.Sc. | Selahvarzi | 2024-01-23 |
Investigating Mashhad peoples attitude towards the lawn areas in urban green space | Reza Hosseinpour | M.Sc. | Selahvarzi | 2024-01-23 |
Evaluation of conservational shading net and nurse plant on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of basil based on green roof system | Mozhgan Pilehvar Vatandoust | P.H.D. | Tehranifar | 2024-01-17 |
Investigating the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Thiobacillus bacteria on the preparation of Khatouni melon seedlings under salinity stress | Hamidreza Ebdali | M.Sc. | Abedi | 2023-10-10 |
Selection of suitable trees and shrubs for the landscape of Mashhad by Expert choice software | Barzin Memar | M.Sc. | Tehranifar | 2024-03-12 |
\\\"Investigating the physiology characteristics and growth of seedling Box elder (Acer negundo) using wick irrigation method\\\" | Reza Zarif Tazarjani Yazd | M.Sc. | Selahvarzi | 2024-02-06 |
Investigation of Genotypes and Lines of pepper in self-fertilizing generations for quantitative and qualitative traits | Behshad Rajaee | M.Sc. | Nemati | 2024-08-13 |
The effect of selenium on growth and quality characteristics of Bluemink under salinity stress conditions | Samaneh Khoshangosht | M.Sc. | Shoor | 2024-03-12 |
Investigating the effect of using selenium and zinc nanoparticles on the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of tomatoes under salt stress in hydroponic culture | Mojtaba Salahi Ostad | P.H.D. | Abedi | 2024-04-29 |
Assesing the impact of Lettuce -Lactuca saliva L.- seed priming with different substances on its germination and physiological and morphological characters under salinity stress | Zeinab Nafasnejad | M.Sc. | Arouiee | 2024-05-07 |
study effect of mycorrhizal fungi and Bacillus subtilis on morphophysiological and biochemical characteristics of calendula officinalis L. under salinity stress | Hosein Zamiri Zeraati | M.Sc. | Abedi | 2023-10-10 |
Investigating the effects of zinc sulfate and borax on morphological, physiological and yield traits of cherry tomato plant | Shabnam Janmohamadi Tala | M.Sc. | Abedi | 2024-03-12 |
Studying of humic acid, seaweed extract, and amino acid on morphophysiological changes of greenhouse tomato cultivar Termeh under deficit irrigation conditions. | Mahdi Shahriari | P.H.D. | Arouiee | 2024-05-07 |
Effect of Different Shade Netting and Kaolin Treatments on some Quantitative and Qualitative Characteristics of Grape Fruits cv. Red-Glob and Flam-Seedless in Firuzeh city | Zohreh Hosseinabadi | M.Sc. | Tehranifar | 2024-06-11 |
: The effect of cytokinin and proline pretreatment on germination Roselle -Hibiscus sabdariffa- under salt stress. | Fatemeh Aziziahad | M.Sc. | Moghaddam | 2024-05-28 |
Examination of eggplant genotypes and lines in inbreeding generations | Arezoo Rasouli Beymorghi | M.Sc. | Nemati | 2024-08-13 |
Investigating the effects of plant antitranspirants on the transpiration intensity, growth, development and active ingredients of holy basil -Ocimum sanctum L.- | Zahra Rahimi | M.Sc. | Azizi | 2024-07-08 |
Studying the effect of gibberellic acid and plant mucilages in order to coat some seeds of medicinal plants | Arghavan Nezhadshamlou | M.Sc. | Azizi | 2024-08-13 |
The effect of biofertilizers on Gazania plant in order to adjust salinity stress | Maryamsadat Movahedi | M.Sc. | Shoor | 2024-08-13 |
The study of drought stress in four types of ground cover plants with the aim of reducing the use of lawn in Green Space in order to reduce water consumption | Mohammad Ahmadpour | M.Sc. | Mousavi bazaz | 2024-08-13 |
: The effect of mycorrhizal fungi on quantitative and qualitative characteristics of African cucumber under salt stress | Mahtab Shahikhesht | M.Sc. | Shoor | 2024-08-13 |
Investigating the effect of using different types of mulches on some traits of Madagascar periwinkle -Catharanthus roseus- under low irrigation conditions | Sajjad Salari | M.Sc. | Mousavi bazaz | 2024-08-13 |
The effect of titanium dioxide nanoparticles on the morphophysiological and biochemical properties of marigold under different irrigation regimes. | Somayeh Firoozi | M.Sc. | Moghaddam | 2024-08-13 |
Investigating the effect of altitude and harvest time on the active substances of the root and stem of Berberis integerrima | Fatemeh Moameri Shakhloo | M.Sc. | Moghaddam | 2024-10-22 |
Evaluation and simulation of waterbody and urban vegetation effects on microclimatic changes and thermal comfort in Roodpark of Mashhad | Mobarakeh Neghabi | M.Sc. | Karimian | 2024-10-08 |
Investigating the micromorphological, phytochemical and antioxidant properties of five Iranian and foreign population of Nigella sativa | Zahra Javidi Sabbaghian | M.Sc. | Azizi | 2024-08-13 |
Investigation of the Potential of Some Endophytic Fungi from Two Species of Artemisia in Producing Bioactive Compounds with Pharmaceutical and Agricultural Applications | Giti Hassanpourfard | P.H.D. | Nemati | 2024-08-31 |
Investigating the effect of salicylic acid on some morphophysiological and biochemical characteristics of sour tea -Hibiscus sabdariffa- under salt stress. | Hoda Fakhrabadi | M.Sc. | Moghaddam | 2024-11-05 |
Hybridizationand combining ability analysis of pistachio genotypes for screening fast-growing and cold tolerant seedlings | Hajar Hokmabadi | P.H.D. | Nemati | 2025-02-04 |
Evaluation and simulation of planting design on air pollutant concentration, particularly particulate matter in Mmashhad, using modeling approaches | Hatam Baghshani | M.Sc. | Karimian | 2024-12-24 |
The effect of amino chelate zinc foliar application on pistachio cultivars Akbari and Ahmed Aghaei | Abolfazl Elhami | M.Sc. | Selahvarzi | 2024-08-13 |